bestcaptchasolverapi is a super easy to use bypass captcha Java API wrapper for captcha service
git clone
Simply import the library, set the auth details and start using the captcha service:
import com.bestcaptchasolver.BestCaptchaSolverAPI;
Set access_token or username and password (legacy) for authentication
String access_token = "your_access_key";
BestCaptchaSolverAPI bcs = new BestCaptchaSolverAPI(access_token);
Once you've set your authentication details, you can start using the API
String balance = bcs.account_balance();
System.out.println(String.Format("Balance: %s", balance));
Map<String, String> d = new HashMap<String, String>();
d.put("image", "/home/me/Desktop/captcha.png"); // give it an ABSOLUTE path or b64encoded string
// d.put("is_case", "true"); // if case sensitive set to true, default: false, optional
// d.put("is_phrase", "true"); // if phrase, set to true, default: false, optional
// d.put("is_math", "true"); // true if captcha is math, default: false, optional
// d.put("alphanumeric", "1"); // 1 (digits only) or 2 (letters only), default: all characters, optional
// d.put("minlength", "2"); // minimum length of captcha text, default: any, optional
// d.put("maxlength", "4"); // maximum length of captcha text, default: any, optional
// d.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_image_captcha(d); // works with 2nd parameter as well, case sensitivty
Once you have the captchaID, you can check for it's completion
String image_text = "";
image_text = bcs.retrieve(id).getString("text");
For recaptcha submission there are two things that are required and some that are optional
- page_url
- site_key
- type (optional, defaults to 1 if not given)
- v22
- invisible3
- v34
- enterprise v25
- enterprise v3
- v3_action (optional)
- v3_min_score (optional)
- domain (optional)
- data_s (optional)
- cookie_input (optional)
- user_agent (optional)
- affiliate_id (optional)
- proxy (optional)
For more details about the parameters check /api page
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("page_url", PAGE_URL);
rd.put("site_key", SITE_KEY);
id = bcs.submit_recaptcha(rd); // works with proxy as well, check bottom of page file for examples
Same as before, this returns an ID which is used to regulary check for completion
- domain
- gt
- challenge
- api_server (optional)
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("domain", "DOMAIN_HERE");
rd.put("gt", "GT_HERE");
rd.put("challenge", "CHALLENGE_HERE");
// rd.put("api_server", "api server for geetest"); // optional
// rd.put("user_agent", "your user agent"); // UA used in solving captcha
// rd.put("proxy", "user:pass@"); // proxy with/out authentication
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_geetest(rd);
- domain
- captchaid
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Important: This is not the captchaid that's in our system that you receive while submitting a captcha. Gather this from HTML source of page with geetestv4 captcha, inside the <script>
tag you'll find a link that looks like this:
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("domain", "");
rd.put("captchaid", "647f5ed2ed8acb4be36784e01556bb71");
// rd.put("user_agent", "your user agent"); // UA used in solving captcha
// rd.put("proxy", "user:pass@"); // proxy with/out authentication
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_geetest_v4(rd);
- page_url
- site_key
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("page_url", "PAGE_URL_HERE");
rd.put("site_key", "SITE_KEY_HERE");
// rd.put("user_agent", "your user agent"); // UA used in solving captcha
// rd.put("proxy", "user:pass@"); // proxy with/out authentication
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_capy(rd);
- page_url
- site_key
- invisible (optional)
- payload (optional)
- domain (optional)
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("page_url", "PAGE_URL_HERE");
rd.put("site_key", "SITE_KEY_HERE");
// rd.put("invisible", "1");
// rd.put("payload", "{\"rqdata\": \"from web requests\"}");
// rd.put("domain", ""); // used in loading hcaptcha interface, optional
// rd.put("user_agent", "your UA");
// rd.put("proxy", "");
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_hcaptcha(rd);
- page_url
- s_url
- site_key
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("page_url", "");
rd.put("s_url", "");
rd.put("site_key", "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
// rd.put("data", "{\"x\":\"y\"}"); // optional
// rd.put("user_agent", "your user agent"); // UA used in solving captcha
// rd.put("proxy", "user:pass@"); // proxy with/out authentication
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_funcaptcha(rd);
- page_url
- site_key
- action (optional)
- cdata (optional)
- domain (optional)
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("page_url", "PAGE_URL_HERE");
rd.put("site_key", "SITE_KEY_HERE");
// rd.put("action", "taken from page source, optional");
// rd.put("cdata", "taken from page source, optional");
// rd.put("domain", ""); // used in loading hcaptcha interface, optional
// rd.put("user_agent", "your UA"); // optional
// rd.put("proxy", ""); // optional
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_turnstile(rd);
- template_name
- page_url
- variables
- user_agent (optional)
- proxy (optional)
Map<String,String> rd = new HashMap<String, String>();
rd.put("template_name", "Login test page");
rd.put("page_url", "");
rd.put("variables", "{\"username\": \"xyz\", \"password\": \"0000\"}");
// rd.put("user_agent", "your UA");
// rd.put("proxy", "");
// rd.put("affiliate_id", "your_affiliate_id"); // optional, get it from /account
int id = bcs.submit_task(rd);
Update task variables while it is being solved by the worker. Useful when dealing with data / variables, of which value you don't know, only after a certain step or action of the task. For example, in websites that require 2 factor authentication code.
When the task (while running on workers machine) is getting to an action defined in the template, that requires a variable, but variable was not set with the task submission, it will wait until the variable is updated through push.
The bcs.task_push_variables(captcha_id, push_variables)
method can be used as many times as it is needed.
bcs.task_push_variables(id, "{\"tfa_code\": \"3495\"}");
String gresponse = "";
while (gresponse.equals(""))
gresponse = bcs.retrieve(id).getString("gresponse"); // can be also `text` or `solution` instead of `gresponse`
String proxy_status = bcs.retrieve(id).getString("proxy_status");
In case a captcha was wrongly completed, you can use the set_captcha_bad(captchaID)
method like this
Compile and run the com.example package
If you don't want to compile your own library, you can check the binary folder for a compiled version. Keep in mind that this might not be the latest version with every release
API library is licensed under the MIT License
More details about the server-side API can be found here
captcha, bypasscaptcha, decaptcher, decaptcha, 2captcha, deathbycaptcha, anticaptcha, bypassrecaptchav2, bypassnocaptcharecaptcha, bypassinvisiblerecaptcha, captchaservicesforrecaptchav2, recaptchav2captchasolver, googlerecaptchasolver, recaptchasolverpython, recaptchabypassscript, bestcaptchasolver