For Laravel 5.3 improved version look at this repository.
Laravel 5 example is a tutorial application for Laravel 5.2 (in french there).
git clone projectname
cd projectname
composer install
php artisan key:generate
- Create a database and inform .env
php artisan migrate --seed
to create and populate tables- Inform config/mail.php for email sends
php artisan vendor:publish
to publish filemanagerphp artisan serve
to start the app on http://localhost:8000/
Another cool way to install it is to upload this package, unpack it in your server folder, and just launch it and follow the installation windows. It has been created with my laravel installer package. Anyway you'll have to set the email configuration.
Create a free development environment for this Laravel 5 example project in the cloud on by clicking the button below.
In the IDE, start Laravel 5 Example via Run > Start Laravel 5 Example
and access your site via Preview > 8000
- HTML5 Boilerplate for front architecture
- Bootstrap for CSS and jQuery plugins
- Font Awesome for the nice icons
- Highlight.js for highlighting code
- Startbootstrap for the free templates
- CKEditor the great editor
- Filemanager the easy file manager
- Home page
- Custom Error Page 404
- Authentication (registration, login, logout, password reset, mail confirmation, throttle)
- Users roles : administrator (all access), redactor (create and edit post, upload and use medias in personnal directory), and user (create comment in blog)
- Blog with comments
- Search in posts
- Tags on posts
- Contact us page
- Admin dashboard with new messages, users, posts and comments
- Users admin (roles filter, show, edit, delete, create)
- Messages admin
- Posts admin (list with dynamic order, show, edit, delete, create)
- Medias gestion
- Localisation
- laravelcollective/html
- bestmomo/filemanager
To test application the database is seeding with users :
- Administrator : email =, password = admin
- Redactor : email =, password = redac
- User : email =, password = walker
- User : email =, password = slacker