is a command line tool providing commands to automate certain tasks when interacting with the aave protocol.
For a full overview of features you can run aave-cli --help
Make sure to setup your .env as most utilities rely on tenderly and will fail otherwise.
Local installation
npm i @bgd-labs/aave-cli
Global installation
npm i -g @bgd-labs/aave-cli
Once installed you should be able to run commands via the @bgd-labs/aave-cli
or the aave-cli
Alteratively you can use npx @bgd-labs/aave-cli
to run the cli via npx.
aave-cli fork --chainId <id>
can ge used to generate tenderly forks.
The cli allows executing certain proposal/actionset IDs, an address or even local payload via aave governance.
For a full overview of commands please run aave-cli fork --help
aave-cli ipfs <source>
can be used to generate the bs58
hash of a single file.
aave-cli diff <from> <to>
can be used to diff two config snapshots & generate a human readable report.
aave-cli governance simulate [proposalId]
can be used to simulate a certain proposal on tenderly (e2e across all networks). This feature is intended to be used by systems like seatbelt.
aave-cli governance view
will start a command line ui for the aave governance.
The command line ui, explains how to vote and generates the proofs needed for voting or registering roots.
aave-cli governance getStorageRoots --proposalId <id>
is a utilitiy that generates the storage roots for the data warehouse.
aave-cli governance getVotingProofs --proposalId <id> --voter <voter>
generates the voting proofs for a specific address.