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This repository contains a simple publisher and subscriber for ROS2 created as a part of a tutorial


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ROS2 tf2, Unit Testing, Bag Files



A Package built using colcon build as a part of ROS2 Tutorials. It contains the implementation of a Publisher node with a service to add two integers. It contains a parameter node that manipulates a string output. This repository also contains of a launch file that will launch all nodes at the same instant. The service will be demonstrated using a service call for testing, which then can also be called to run when we run a client node in another terminal while running the publisher node. The parameter manipulation can be done by setting a new value to the parameter from another terminal.


├── example_interfaces
├── include
│   └── beginner_tutorials
│       ├── publisher_function.hpp
│       ├── pub_param_function.hpp
│       └── subscriber_function.hpp
├── launch
│   ├── node_launcher.yaml
│   └──
├── package.xml
├── results
│   ├── cppcheck.txt
│   ├── cpplint.txt
│   ├── frames_2022-12-04_03.16.25.pdf
│   ├── LastTest_20221204-0802.log
│   └── rqt_console_output.png
├── package_bag
│   ├── metadata.yaml
│   └── package_bag_0.db3
├── src
│   ├── client_node.cpp
│   ├── publisher_member_function.cpp
│   ├── publisher_parameter_node.cpp
│   └── subscriber_member_function.cpp
├── srv
│   ├── AddTwoInts.srv
│   └── ChangeMessage.srv
└── test
    ├── main.cpp
    └── test_talker.cpp


  • OS: Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (22.04) 64-bit
  • ROS2 Distro: Humble
  • ROS2 Workspace name: ros2_ws
  • ROS2 Installation Directory: ros2_humble [if installed through source]

ROS2 Dependencies

  • ament_cmake
  • rclcpp
  • std_msgs
  • example_interfaces
  • tf2
  • tf2_ros
  • rosbag2_cpp
  • rosidl_default_generators
  • geometry_msgs

Instructions to Build the Package

git clone
cd ..  
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select beginner_tutorials

Instructions to Run the Package

tf2 broadcaster implementation

Run the Talker Node

In a terminal, navigate to your ROS2 workspace (ros2_ws) and source the setup files,

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 run beginner_tutorials talker

In another terminal, source your ROS workspace as mentioned before and run:

ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo world talk

In a new terminal, navigate to your ROS2 workspace (ros2_ws) and source the setup files again and verify the TF frames using tf2_echo

ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo world talk

Open another terminal cd to the results directory and generate the frame output.

cd results
ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames -o

The above command will generate a frames pdf which will open upon running the above command.

Run the Level2 Gtest Implementation

To view the gtest results for the ROS2 publisher and tf2 broadcaster, run the following in your ros_ws workspace,

colcon test --event-handlers console_direct+ --packages-select beginner_tutorials

You should see 1 gtest cases to pass (one for publisher and another for tf2 broadcaster) I have saved the test log in the results directory for your convenience.

Recording a bag file

To launch ROS2 bag and record all topics, run the following in a terminal sourced with your ROS workspace (ros2_ws) and change to the /results directory:

cd results
ros2 launch beginner_tutorials record_all_topics:=true

here i have setup an argument in the launch file called, record_all_topics enables bag recording when set to true and disables when set to false. Default value is set to true.

To disable bag recording, run

ros2 launch beginner_tutorials record_all_topics:=false

The bag file is saved with the filename package_bag_0.db3 in the root directory, if recording is enabled.

Bag File verification

To see /chatter topic messages were recorded, change to the package_bag and

cd package_bag
ros2 bag info all_topics_bag

Alternatively, in one terminal run the listener using:

ros2 run beginner_tutorials listener

In another terminal, play the recorded bag files, from the package_bag directory:

ros2 bag play package_bag


Static Code Analysis


Change to the root directory of the package, /beginner_tutorials, and run:

cpplint --filter=-build/c++11,+build/c++17,-build/namespaces,-build/include_order ./src/*.cpp ./include/beginner_tutorials/*.hpp > ./results/cpplint.txt

The results of running cpplint can be found in /results/cpplint.txt.


Change to the root directory of the package, /beginner_tutorials, and run:

cppcheck --enable=all --std=c++17 ./src/*.cpp ./include/beginner_tutorials/*.hpp --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --suppress=unmatchedSuppression --suppress=unusedFunction --suppress=missingInclude --suppress=useInitializationList > results/cppcheck.txt

The results of running cppcheck can be found in /results/cppcheck.txt.

Previous assignement resources

If you want to check the previous asignment implementations, please look at the release tags and follow the instructions below.

Run the Publisher-Server Node

In a new terminal, navigate to your ROS2 workspace (ros2_ws) and source the setup files,

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws/src
. install/setup.bash
ros2 run beginner_tutorials talker

Run the Client Node

In another terminal, navigate to your ROS2 workspace (ros2_ws) and source the setup files,

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 run beginner_tutorials client

Test the Service through a Service call

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 service call /add_two_ints example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts "{a: 1, b: 2}"

Using rqt_console to check the logged messages

ros2 run rqt_console rqt_console

Testing Parameter Manipulation

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 run cpp_parameters minimal_param_node

In an other terminal run the following to see change in the output if terminal 1 argument manipulated [world -> universe]

ros2 param list
ros2 param set /minimal_param_node my_parameter universe

Running all nodes using a launch file

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 launch beginner_tutorials node_launcher.yaml my_parameter:=universe

sometimes if this doesn't work, you can do the following

cd <path-to-ROS2-workspace>/ros2_ws
. install/setup.bash
cd beginner_tutorials
cd launch
ros2 launch node_launcher.yaml

The launch file will launch all nodes at a time and manipulations can be run in other terminals like stated above.

Enter Ctrl+C in each terminal to stop the nodes from spinning.

Previous Results


Publisher node with service

bharadwaj@Alpha-Phoenix ~/tests for ros2/beginner_tutorials (Week10_HW) $ ros2 run beginner_tutorials talker
[INFO] [1668638511.969467841] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  0
[INFO] [1668638512.469726725] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  1
[INFO] [1668638512.969244551] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  2
[INFO] [1668638513.469225555] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  3
[INFO] [1668638513.969188680] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  4
[INFO] [1668638514.469204052] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  5
[INFO] [1668638514.969179267] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  6
[INFO] [1668638515.469343194] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  7
[INFO] [1668638515.581445903] [rclcpp]: Incoming request a: 1 b: 2
[INFO] [1668638515.581476912] [rclcpp]: sending back response: [3]
[INFO] [1668638515.969133623] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  8

Service Call Response

bharadwaj@Alpha-Phoenix ~/tests for ros2/beginner_tutorials (Week10_HW) $ ros2 service call /add_two_ints example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts "{a: 1, b: 2}"
waiting for service to become available...
requester: making request: example_interfaces.srv.AddTwoInts_Request(a=1, b=2)

response: example_interfaces.srv.AddTwoInts_Response(sum=3)

Logging Levels [Terminal Response]

bharadwaj@Alpha-Phoenix ~/tests for ros2/beginner_tutorials (Week10_HW) $ ros2 run beginner_tutorials talker
[INFO] [1668640039.650735595] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  0
[INFO] [1668640040.650071332] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  1
[ERROR] [1668640041.539000346] [minimal_publisher]: Response is wrong0
[INFO] [1668640041.650356586] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  2
[INFO] [1668640042.650363608] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  3
[INFO] [1668640043.650377212] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  4
[INFO] [1668640044.650387901] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  5
[WARN] [1668640044.650534359] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[INFO] [1668640045.650104364] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  6
[WARN] [1668640045.650197743] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[INFO] [1668640046.650163698] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  7
[WARN] [1668640046.650295629] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[INFO] [1668640047.650422099] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  8
[WARN] [1668640047.650596704] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[INFO] [1668640048.650229550] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  9
[WARN] [1668640048.650413024] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[INFO] [1668640049.650440634] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  10
[WARN] [1668640049.650615239] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[FATAL] [1668640049.650659658] [minimal_publisher]: Warnings were blindsided, Fatality Occured
[INFO] [1668640050.650500111] [minimal_publisher]: Publishing:Hey, This is Bharadwaj, ID:  11
[WARN] [1668640050.650630365] [minimal_publisher]: Publisher has been running excessively
[FATAL] [1668640050.650649502] [minimal_publisher]: Warnings were blindsided, Fatality Occured

Parameter Response

bharadwaj@Alpha-Phoenix ~/tests for ros2/beginner_tutorials/launch (Week10_HW) $ ros2 launch node_launcher.yaml
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [minimal_param_node-1]: process started with pid [44475]
[minimal_param_node-1] [INFO] [1668651106.180145554] [minimal_param_node]: Hello world!
[minimal_param_node-1] [INFO] [1668651107.180334288] [minimal_param_node]: Hello world!
[minimal_param_node-1] [INFO] [1668651108.180327606] [minimal_param_node]: Hello universe!
^C[WARNING] [launch]: user interrupted with ctrl-c (SIGINT)
[minimal_param_node-1] [INFO] [1668651108.430788961] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signum=2)
[INFO] [minimal_param_node-1]: process has finished cleanly [pid 44475]