This is a Spring boot & AngularJS Application. With the help of this application, we can upload and read CSV.
- Node
- Bower
Spring Boot
- Java 8
- Sprint Boot 1.5.9.RELEASE
- Maven latest
- MySQL or H2 (With the dev profile you can use H2, but with the Prod Profile you need to use MySQL)
- AngularJS
- npm install
- bower install
- grunt serve
- Spring Boot
- mvn clean
- mvn package
- java -jar target/clustered-data-warehouse-1.0.0.jar
- mvn clean install (Build the application)
- mvn install dockerfile:build (Build the Docker Images)
- docker images (For checking the Docker created Images )
- docker run -p 8181:8181 -t springio/clustered-data-warehouse (Run the Docker Image with port)
- docker ps ( For seeing the running container)
- docker stop 4f59bee2deb2(Container Id)
- docker rm '< container Id> '
- docker Stop Container