(NOTE: Primarily for PHP or Drupal unless others contribute to Rails, Django, or other specific hooks for the collection, I'll be happy to include them directory or as a submodule maintained separetely)
- git pre-commit hook checking PHP syntax errors. ( Uses php version installed local, not whats on the server, please be aware of this if there is diffrences in your versions. )
To install hook, copy pre-commit file to your project .git/hooks/pre-commit:
$ cp pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit; $ chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit;
Now, when you will make modifications to the code and try to commit, git will invoke php -l a.k.a php-lint and will stop the commit if there are errors with location info to fix the problem.
If you have found any bugs, have a patch, or a feature request open an issue in the issue queue.