- [messanger/readme.md] (JersyRest/readme.md)
- [sb-practice/readme.md] (SpringBoot/readme.md)
We are going to implement REST API using Jersy
- setting up first rest api web application using 'org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-webapp'
mvn eclpse:eclipse -Dpwtverison=2.0
- If you are getting any build error, please check Eclispe - Java Build Path
- If you are getting error at M2_REPO user variable, please configure.
- If Maven Local Repository path is configured wrongly, please configure correct path.
- If eclipse not letting you to chagne M2_REPO variable, then configure Eclipse -> Preferences -> Maven -> User Settings with \conf\settings.xml whcih would help you to resolve build issues
Note - this is for Java Version 1.7
we need to configure the server on 'apache-maven-3.1.1\conf\settings.xml'. username and password from 'apache-tomcat-6.0.41\conf\tomcat-users.xml'
tomcat 7 : please ensure that tomcat picked Java Higher version else you will get magor.minor expcection [51]
We are going to learn spring boot.
- Koushik course - walkthrough