#Isomorphic Web Design with Node, Scala, and React This repository contains the entire source for the blog article Isomorphic Web Design with React and Scala. We create a Scalatra JSON web api for a React SPA that renders server-side for improved SEO performance but switches to client-side rendering for the best user experience.
##Node Setup First make sure you have Node v12+ then run the following in a console window in the repository root folder.
- cd ./node
- npm i
- gulp; gulp webpack
- node --harmony app.js
##Scala Setup Make sure you have a JDK installed along with sbt, then open a console window to the repository root folder and run the following commands.
- cd ./scala
- sbt
Once sbt launches enter the following two commands in the sbt console:
- container:start
- ~ ;copy-resources;aux-compile
##DB Setup Install postgres and then restore the database provided in the repo using this command for a console window in the repository root. This command will create a worldcup database on your postgres server with sample data for the project.
psql -f ./db/db.sql