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Boost the top-level doc to Task with lots of examples
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zwaldowski committed Nov 12, 2018
1 parent d8759f6 commit 6befadb
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 3 deletions.
174 changes: 171 additions & 3 deletions Sources/Task/ExistentialTask.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,178 @@ import Atomics
import Deferred.Atomics

/// A wrapper over any task.
/// A type for managing some work that may either succeed or fail at some point
/// in the future, including interacting the end result of the work.
/// Forwards operations to an arbitrary underlying future having the same result
/// type, optionally combined with some `cancellation`.
/// Tasks work exactly like futures but, because they operate on types that
/// have one or more exclusive states that describe a success or failure, have
/// additions for dealing with just the successful value, the failing error,
/// chaining dependent operations together, recovering from errors, and so on.
/// Returning a `Task` from your API encapsulates the entire lifecycle of
/// asynchronous work, regardless of it being managed by `OperationQueue`,
/// or `DispatchQueue`, or `URLSession`. Consumers of your `Task` object might
/// interact with the task by cancelling, pausing, or resuming it.
/// Creating a Task
/// ===============
/// Like `Future`, a task will forward operations involving the result of the
/// work being performed to some underlying type, hiding the implementation
/// details of your asynchronous API.
/// let promise = Task<Int>.Promise()
/// DispatchQueue.any().asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
/// if Bool.random() {
/// promise.succeed(with: 4) // chosen by fair dice roll.
/// // guaranteed to be random.
/// } else {
/// Error.reallyBad)
/// }
/// }
/// return Task(promise)
/// Tasks Represent Workflows
/// =========================
/// You can design an API to use `Task` even the result is known immediately.
/// This allows you to evolve your code over time without changing callers of
/// the code.
/// let alreadySucceeded = Task(success: "13 miles away")
/// let alreadyFailed = Task(failure: Error.couldNotFetchLocation)
/// Consider a method that checks the validity of parameters to a web
/// service before fetching from it:
/// func fetchFriends(for user: User) throws -> Future<[Friend]?> {
/// guard ! else {
/// throw Error.invalidParameters
/// }
/// ...
/// }
/// Consuming this asynchronous value must be done in multiple paths:
/// do {
/// let futureFriends = try fetchFriends(for: currentUser)
/// futureFriends.upon(managedObjectContext) { (friends) in
/// if let friends = friends {
/// do {
/// try import(friends)
/// catch {
/// // handle an error
/// }
/// } else {
/// // handle an error
/// }
/// }
/// } catch {
/// // handle an error
/// }
/// Embracing `Task` as the common currency type between layers of code in
/// your application can reduce duplication by consolidating multiple branches
/// of success or failure checking.
/// func fetchFriends(for user: User) -> Task<[Friend]> {
/// guard ! else {
/// return Task(failure: Error.invalidParameters)
/// }
/// ...
/// }
/// fetchFriends(for: currentUser)
/// .map(upon: managedObjectContext, transform: import)
/// .uponSuccess(on: .main) { // handle success }
/// .uponFailure(on: .main) { // handle failure }
/// Tasks Can Be Cancelled
/// ======================
/// When creating a task from a future or promise, an optional `cancellation`
/// handler can be provided. Inside this method body, you can cancel ongoing
/// work, such as a network connection or image processing.
/// When the underlying work can be interrupted, cancelling a `Task` will
/// typically lead to the operation completing with an error, such as
/// `CocoaError.userCancelled`.
/// let promise = Task<UIImage>.Promise()
/// let operation = makeImageProcessingOperation(for: data)
/// operation.completionBlock = { [unowned operation] in
/// promise.fill(with: operation.result!)
/// }
/// operationQueue.add(operation)
/// return Task(promise, uponCancel: operation.cancel)
/// Cancellation may be invoked in any threading context. If work associated
/// with cancellation must be done on a specific queue, dispatch to that queue
/// from within the cancellation handler.
/// Tasks Can Report Progress
/// =========================
/// On macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS, where apps are expected to react to
/// current conditions, `Task` will automatically maintain instances of the
/// `Progress` object. These objects can be used to drive UI controls displaying
/// that progress, as well as interactive controls like buttons to cancel,
/// pause, or resume the work.
/// In the simplest cases, using `Task` and methods like `map` and `andThen`
/// give some insight into the work your application is doing and improve the
/// user experience. Consider:
/// let task = downloadImage(for: url)
/// .map(upon: .any(), transform: decompressImage)
/// .map(upon: .any(), start: applyFiltersToImage)
/// .map(upon: .any(), start: writeImageToCache)
/// `task.progress` will have four work units, each of which will complete after
/// the work assiociated with the initial task, `map`, `andThen`, and `map`,
/// yielding progress updates of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively.
/// If you have a better source of data for progress, like those provided on
/// `URLSessionTask` or `UIDocument`, those can also be incorporated into
/// `Task` during creation. These `Task`s are weighted more than surrounding
/// calls to `map` or `andThen`. For instance, you can modify `downloadImage`
/// above to include another source of progress:
/// func downloadImage(for url: URL) -> Task<Data> {
/// let promise = Task<Data>.Promise()
/// let urlSessionTask = urlSession.dataTask(with: url) {
/// promise.fill(with: ...)
/// }
/// urlSessionTask.resume()
/// return Task(promise, progress: urlSessionTask.progress)
/// }
/// `downloadImage` will account for up to 90% of the returned progress. That
/// 90% "slice" will fill in as chunks of data get loaded from the network.
/// You may also create your own `Progress` instances to be given to `Task`.
/// Progress objects use any context you desire, like byte counts or fractions,
/// and will also be weighted higher by `Task`. If `applyFiltersToImage` above
/// applies 5 user-selected filters, you might create a custom progress and
/// update it when each of the filters is complete:
/// func applyFiltersToImage(_ image: UIImage) -> UIImage {
/// var image = image
/// let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: filters.count)
/// for (n, filter) in filters.enumerated() {
/// image = filter.apply(to: image)
/// progress.completedUnitCount = n
/// }
/// return image
/// }
/// `downloadImage` and `applyFiltersToImage` will each take up to 45% of the
/// returned progress.
/// - seealso: `TaskProtocol`
/// - seealso: `Future`
public final class Task<SuccessValue>: NSObject {
/// A type for returning and propagating recoverable errors.
public typealias Result = TaskResult<SuccessValue>
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