I like cute things, programming, music and my dogs
There are a lot of topics of my interest in technology, like Creative Programming, Functional Programming, System Design, WebGL, Software Architecture, Web3, API Usability, Accessibility, AI, Security and Compilers. Yeah, it's too much and you might ask "do you have time to study all of this?". The answer is no.
Experience in both Full Stack and Frontend Development with the technologies below.
Also worked with mobile-first approach and RSCSS architecture.
Flasks: Tower of Hanoi-like game
Genius: Project inspired by a brazilian game with the same name
To-Do List/Agenda: My first ever project, developed during the first semester at the university
Pomodoro Timer: Simple timer that uses the pomodoro technique
Tic-Tac-Toe: Simple tic-tac-toe game
Guess The Anime: A game the user has to guess the name of the anime based of the hints given
Personal scripts: Scrips that I developed to make my life easier
OlindaBot (currently inactive): Twitter Bot that retweets every tweet with "Olinda" in it
Product Preview Card: Page with the product preview card
Chat App CSS Illustration: Page developed exclusively with CSS
Advice Generator: App that consumes an API of advices
Room Home Page: Institutional Page
Interactive Rating Component: Simple React component
Dots: Paints a red dot in the page where the user clicks, developed with React
Kanban Board: A simple kanban board made with Angular
epub-to-mp3: Convert an epub into an mp3 file with all the textual content read by a text-to-speech