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Magento 2.4 environment under Docker

Technologies Used

  • Docker / Docker-Compose
  • Nginx
  • Php Fpm
  • Varnish
  • Php Cli / Composer / Node / Npm / Grunt
  • Cron
  • Mysql
  • Elasticsearch
  • Redis
  • Rabbitmq

Feature highlights

  • Created with simplicity and ease of use in mind, inspired by meanbee/docker-magento2
  • Production grade optimization done on each services
  • Permissions shared flawlessly between cli container and host using non-root mode, fixed umask and group
  • Correct project permissions pre set permanently with inheritance
  • Different setup mode for local / server with easy initilization script
  • Easy environment variables to run frequently used cli commands inside container easily
  • Docker compose files separated precisely between local and server with a base
  • Simple env file for docker-compose to change services variables easily

Contents Overview

  1. Pre-Requistices
  2. Follow these steps to setup the enviroment
  3. Install Magento 2
  4. Finalize setup
  5. Extra optimizations

1. Pre-Requistices

  • Install docker / docker-compose
  • Get the composer access keys from magento marketplace magento devdocs
  • Install mysql-client optionally to ease database admin tasks
  • Install certbot for installation on server

2. Follow these steps to setup the enviroment

  • Clone this repository using git clone and cd into it
  • Initilization can be done either for local or server
  • Both of these scripts will do the following tasks, check for specific comparison in table below
- Create folders in host that will be mounted to docker containers
- Configure proper permissions
- Optimize host for elasticsearch / redis
- Configure docker-compose environment file
- Configure host environment for frequent commands
subject local initialize server initialize
override compose file docker-compose.local.yml docker-compose.server.yml
mage_root /home/$HOST_USER/html/magento /var/www/html/$DOMAIN_NAME
auto restart policy never unless-stopped
nginx sever_name / ssl localhost / no ssl $DOMAIN_NAME / with ssl
php fpm pool max child static, 6 static, 14
varnish memory 256 mb 512 mb
elasticsearch memory 256 mb 512 mb
cron / rabbitmq optional, add manually if needed installed

Local initialize

  • Run the script
sudo ./

Server initialize

  • Replace $domain_name with your domain name without protocol and run the script
sudo ./ $domain_name

Enviroment variables for frequent commands

  • Restart the pc to apply enviroment variables set by initilization script
  • All containers in magento stack use $magento_stack command example $magento_stack ps
  • Magento 2 cli use $cli_magento command example $cli_magento setup:upgrade
  • Composer use $cli_composer command example $cli_composer info
  • Npm use $cli_npm command example $cli_npm install
  • Grunt cli use $cli_grunt command example $cli_grunt exec
  • Redis cli use $redis_cli command example $redis_cli info
  • Rabbitmq cli use $rabbitmq_ctl command example $rabbitmq_ctl info

Commands for other services

  • Nginx use docker exec example docker exec -it nginx nginx -s reload
  • Varnish use docker exec example docker exec -it varnish varnishstat
  • Mysql cli use docker exec for example docker exec -it mysql mysql -u $user -p
  • Mysql admin tasks use host based mysql-client for example mysqldump -h -u $user -p
  • Elasticsearch use curl localhost:port example curl localhost:9200/_cat/health?pretty

Up the docker enviromnment

  • Edit the .env file set by initilization script and make any changes if required
  • Run the command to build images and start the containers
$magento_stack up -d
  • Run this command after previous step finishes to check if all containers are up and running
$magento_stack ps

Generate ssl certificates and setup renew hook for installation on server

  • Clear the dummy certificates set by initilization script
sudo rm -r /etc/letsencrypt/live/*
  • Run the command to generate live cerificates
 sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html/$domain_name -d $domain_name
  • For deploy hook open /etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini and update as follows
deploy-hook = docker exec -it nginx nginx -s reload

3. Install Magento 2

  • Cd into your mage_root in host
  • Installation can be done either for existing or new project

Existing project

Clone your project and install packages

  • Replace $project_repository_link with your project link
git clone $project_repository_link .

$cli_composer install
  • Enter the composer access keys from magento marketplace and save it

Configure existing enviroment

  • Copy over existing env.php and update services credentals

Install existing data and media

  • Clone your existing database and import it
  • Clone your existing media

New project

Create new composer project and install packages

  • For community edition
$cli_composer create-project --repository= magento/project-community-edition .
  • For enterprise edttion
$cli_composer create-project --repository= magento/project-enterprise-edition .
  • Enter the composer access keys from magento marketplace and save it

Configure new enviroment

  • Magento web setup wizard has now been removed so follow the official devdocs to install using cli

Install sample data

  • Use this command to deploy sample data
$cli_magento sampledata:deploy

4. Finalize setup

  • Run the commands to finish up installation
$cli_magento setup:upgrade
$cli_magento indexer:reindex
$cli_magento cache:flush
  • Now you should have a fully working Magento 2 instance

5. Extra optimizations

Elasticsearch replicas configuration

  • Elasticsearch tries to create an additional replica of each indexes by default on second node, since local development will only have one node this will never succeed.
  • This causes half the shards to be unassigned and cluster health to be yellow.
  • Use these commands to set default replica configuration to 0 for current and all future indexes.
# Replica setting for all new index

curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_template/default_template" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index_patterns": ["*"],
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_replicas": 0

# Replica setting for current index

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_settings' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index" : {
    "number_of_replicas" : 0


Magento 2 environment under Docker






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