Chessterm is a terminal based chess interface.
It was originally created to provide a bridge between several chess engines made by a group of friends to compete with each other.
The current functionality includes:
- Printing the current position of the board
- Moving pieces on the board
- Keeping track of whose turn it is
- Validating any inputted moves
- exporting FEN and PGN of the game
- Detection of checkmate and stalemate
Features that still need to be added
Add UCI compatabilityMinimally implementedDetect StalemateDetect 3-fold repetition stalemate- Load/save FEN from/to files
export/import PGN formatFlip view of the board between black and white perspective- Networking
to compile and start the program with
The program can be started with the following flags:
-f "fen string between quotes"
to start the board in a given fen position. Fen must be between quotes
-w ./path/to/engine depth
to start the uci compatible engine as the white player with the given
computation depth
-b ./path/to/engine depth
to start the uci compatible engine as the black player with the given
computation depth
-r ./path/to/engine depth
to start the uci compatible engine as a random player with the given
computation depth
All of the above flags can be used interchangibly with each other.
In the program you will be presented with a view of the current position and
a prompt. You can type
: exit
to exit the program,
: flip
to switch perspectives between black and white
: autoflip
to switch perspectives between black and white every move
: noflip
to disable autoflip
: fen
to print the current position's FEN to the screen
: pgn
to print the PGN of the game to the screen
: new
to start a new game after one has finished
: go
to allow two engines to play against each other
: thousand
to have two engines play each other 1000 times
: prand
to rate one engine as a percentage of another. Example:
Bad engine equates to Good engine performing at 63.0000%
This output means Bad engine
played against Good engine
but 37% of Good engine
's moves were random.
: status
to view the current board information, or you can type a move in SAN notation
to make a move.
Example: : e4
or : Nf3
Pieces must be uppercase, and files must be lowercase for the move to be read
Squares on the board will be represented by an array of 64 8-bit unsigned integers. The leading bit will determine the color of the piece on the square.
Empty square = 0
Color | Binary | Decimal |
white | 00000000 | 0 |
black | 10000000 | 128 |
White pieces:
Piece | Binary | Decimal |
pawn | 00000001 | 1 |
bishop | 00000010 | 2 |
knight | 00000100 | 4 |
rook | 00001000 | 8 |
queen | 00010000 | 16 |
king | 00100000 | 32 |
Black pieces:
Piece | Binary | Decimal |
pawn | 10000001 | 129 |
bishop | 10000010 | 130 |
knight | 10000100 | 132 |
rook | 10001000 | 136 |
queen | 10010000 | 144 |
king | 10100000 | 160 |
Bit-wise OR a piece and a color together to get a colored piece.
The directions a piece can move are described below as relative positions in the array that holds all of the pieces.
-9|-8 |-7
-1| P |+1
+7|+8 |+9