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Merge pull request #456 from squirrelo/colorviewcontroller
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Gradient view and more colormaps
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ElDeveloper committed Apr 18, 2016
2 parents b46c8df + cfe0616 commit 659eed8
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Showing 3 changed files with 227 additions and 108 deletions.
275 changes: 191 additions & 84 deletions emperor/support_files/js/color-view-controller.js
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ define([
// we only use the base attribute class, no need to get the base class
var EmperorAttributeABC = ViewControllers.EmperorAttributeABC;
var ColorEditor = Color.ColorEditor, ColorFormatter = Color.ColorFormatter;

* @name ColorViewController
Expand All @@ -35,6 +34,13 @@ define([
* metadata category to color by.
* @property {Node} [$colormapSelect=chosen node] Drop-down menu to select
* the colormap.
* @property {Node} [$scaleDiv=div] jQuery element for the div containing the
* SVG scale data
* @property {SVG} [$colorScale] The SVG colorbar scale for the data
* @property {Node} [$scaled=checkbox node] jQuery element for the checkbox
* for toggling scaled coloring
* @property {Node} [$scaledLabel=label node] jQuery element for the label for
* the $scaled checkbox

Expand All @@ -56,62 +62,110 @@ define([
var SLICK_WIDTH = 25, scope = this;
var name, value, colorItem;

// Create scale div and checkbox for whether using scalar data or not
this.$scaleDiv = $('<div></div>')
this.$colorScale = $("<svg width='90%' height='40' style='display:block;margin:auto;'></svg>");
this.$scaled = $("<input type='checkbox'>");
this.$scaledLabel = $("<label for='scaled'>Continuous values</label>")

// this class uses a colormap selector, so populate it before calling super
// because otherwise the categorySelectionCallback will be called before the
// data is populated
this.$colormapSelect = $("<select class='emperor-tab-drop-down'>");
var currType = ColorViewController.Colormaps[0].type;
var selectOpts = $('<optgroup>').attr('label', currType);

for (var i = 0; i < ColorViewController.Colormaps.length; i++){
// the first array has the values that should be displayed on the UI
// the second array has the identifiers used to generate the colors
value = ColorViewController.Colormaps[i];
name = ColorViewController.ColormapNames[i];
colorItem = $('<option>').attr('value', value).text(name);

for (var i = 1; i < ColorViewController.Colormaps.length; i++) {
var colormap = ColorViewController.Colormaps[i];
// Check if we are in a new optgroup
if (colormap.type !== currType) {
currType = colormap.type;
selectOpts = $('<optgroup>').attr('label', currType);
var colorItem = $('<option>')
.attr('data-type', currType)

// Build the options dictionary
var options = {'valueUpdatedCallback':function(e, args) {
var val = args.item.category, color = args.item.value;
var group = args.item.plottables;
var element = scope.decompViewDict[scope.getActiveDecompViewKey()];
ColorViewController.setPlottableAttributes(element, color, group);
'categorySelectionCallback':function(evt, params) {
// we re-use this same callback regardless of whether the
// color or the metadata category changed, maybe we can do
// something better about this
var category = scope.$select.val();
var colorScheme = scope.$colormapSelect.val();

var k = scope.getActiveDecompViewKey();
var decompViewDict = scope.decompViewDict[k];

// getting all unique values per categories
var uniqueVals = decompViewDict.decomp.getUniqueValuesByCategory(category);
// getting color for each uniqueVals
var attributes = ColorViewController.getColorList(uniqueVals, colorScheme);
// fetch the slickgrid-formatted data
var data = decompViewDict.setCategory(attributes, ColorViewController.setPlottableAttributes, category);

'slickGridColumn':{id: 'title', name: '', field: 'value',
var options = {
function(e, args) {
var val = args.item.category, color = args.item.value;
var group = args.item.plottables;
var element = scope.decompViewDict[scope.getActiveDecompViewKey()];
ColorViewController.setPlottableAttributes(element, color, group);
function(evt, params) {
// we re-use this same callback regardless of whether the
// color or the metadata category changed, maybe we can do
// something better about this
var category = scope.$select.val();
var discrete = $('option:selected', scope.$colormapSelect)
.attr('data-type') == DISCRETE;
var colorScheme = scope.$colormapSelect.val();

var k = scope.getActiveDecompViewKey();
var decompViewDict = scope.decompViewDict[k];

if (discrete) {
scope.$scaled.prop('checked', false);
scope.$scaled.prop('hidden', true);
scope.$scaledLabel.prop('hidden', true);
} else {
scope.$scaled.prop('hidden', false);
scope.$scaledLabel.prop('hidden', false);
var scaled = scope.$':checked');
// getting all unique values per categories
var uniqueVals = decompViewDict.decomp.getUniqueValuesByCategory(category);
// getting color for each uniqueVals
var colorInfo = ColorViewController.getColorList(uniqueVals, colorScheme, discrete, scaled);
var attributes = colorInfo[0];
// fetch the slickgrid-formatted data
var data = decompViewDict.setCategory(attributes, ColorViewController.setPlottableAttributes, category);

if (scaled) {
} else {
'slickGridColumn': {
id: 'title', name: '', field: 'value',
sortable: false, maxWidth: SLICK_WIDTH,
minWidth: SLICK_WIDTH,
autoEdit: true,
editor: ColorEditor,
formatter: ColorFormatter}};
formatter: ColorFormatter
};, container, title, helpmenu,
decompViewDict, options);

// the chosen select can only be set when the document is ready
$(function() {
scope.$colormapSelect.chosen({width: "100%", search_contains: true});
scope.$scaled.on('change', options.categorySelectionCallback);

return this;
Expand All @@ -128,48 +182,79 @@ define([
* category in a given metadata column.
* @param {map} name of the color map to use, see
* ColorViewController.Colormaps
* @param {discrete} Whether to treat colormap requested as a discrete set
* of colors or use interpolation to create gradient of colors
* @param {scaled} Whether to use a scaled colormap or equidistant colors for
* each value. Default is false.
* This function will generate a list of coloring values depending on the
* coloring scheme that the system is currently using (discrete or
* continuous).
ColorViewController.getColorList = function(values, map) {
var colors = {}, numColors = values.length-1, counter=0, discrete = false;
var interpolator;

if (ColorViewController.Colormaps.indexOf(map) === -1) {
throw new Error("Could not find "+map+" in the available colormaps");
ColorViewController.getColorList = function(values, map, discrete, scaled) {
var colors = {}, numColors = values.length - 1, counter = 0;
var interpolator, min, max;
var scaled = scaled || false;

if (map === 'discrete-coloring' || map === 'discrete-coloring-qiime'){
discrete = true;
if (_.findWhere(ColorViewController.Colormaps, {id: map}) === undefined){
throw new Error("Could not find " + map + " as a colormap.");

// 1 color and continuous coloring should return the first element of the
// map
if (numColors === 0 && discrete === false){
if (numColors === 0 && discrete === false) {
colors[values[0]] = chroma.brewer[map][0];
return colors;
return [colors, gradientSVG];

if (discrete === false){
if (discrete === false) {
map = chroma.brewer[map];
interpolator = chroma.bezier([map[0], map[3], map[4], map[5], map[8]]);
if (scaled === true) {
// Assuming we have numeric since scaled called
var numericValues =, Number);
min = _.min(numericValues);
max = _.max(numericValues);
interpolator = chroma.scale(map).domain([min, max]);

for(var index in values){
for (var index in values) {
if (discrete) {
// get the next available color
colors[values[index]] = ColorViewController.getDiscreteColor(index, map);
colors[values[index]] = interpolator(counter/numColors).hex();
else if (scaled === true) {
colors[values[index]] = interpolator(Number(values[index])).hex();
} else {
colors[values[index]] = interpolator(counter / numColors).hex();
counter = counter + 1;

return colors;
// if scaled, generate the scale and add to div.
if (scaled) {
var min = _.min(numericValues);
var max = _.max(numericValues);
var mid = (min + max) / 2;
step = (max - min) / 100;
var stopColors = [];
for (var s = min; s <= max; s += step) {

var gradientSVG = '<defs><linearGradient id="Gradient" x1="0" x2="1" y1="1" y2="1">'
for (pos in stopColors) {
gradientSVG += '<stop offset="' + pos + '%" stop-color="' + stopColors[pos] + '"/>';
gradientSVG += '</defs><rect id="gradientRect" width="100%" height="20" fill="url(#Gradient)"/>'
gradientSVG += '<text x="0%" y="38" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="12px">' + min + '</text>'
gradientSVG += '<text x="50%" y="38" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">' + mid + '</text>'
gradientSVG += '<text x="100%" y="38" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="12px" text-anchor="end">' + max + '</text>'

return [colors, gradientSVG];

Expand All @@ -188,19 +273,19 @@ define([
ColorViewController.getDiscreteColor = function(index, map){
if (map === undefined){
map = 'discrete-coloring';
if (_.has(ColorViewController._discreteColormaps, map) === false){
throw new Error("Could not find "+map+" as a discrete colormap.");
var map = map || 'discrete-coloring-qiime';

var size = ColorViewController._discreteColormaps[map].length;
if (map == 'discrete-coloring-qiime') {
map = ColorViewController._qiimeDiscrete;
} else {
map = chroma.brewer[map];
var size = map.length;
if(index >= size){
index = index - (Math.floor(index/size)*size);

return ColorViewController._discreteColormaps[map][index];
return map[index];

Expand All @@ -221,34 +306,56 @@ define([

ColorViewController.Colormaps = ['discrete-coloring-qiime',
'discrete-coloring', 'OrRd', 'PuBu', 'BuPu', 'Oranges', 'BuGn', 'YlOrBr',
'YlGn', 'Reds', 'RdPu', 'Greens', 'YlGnBu', 'Purples', 'GnBu', 'Greys',
'YlOrRd', 'PuRd', 'Blues', 'PuBuGn', 'Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdBu', 'PiYG',
'PRGn', 'RdYlBu', 'BrBG', 'RdGy', 'PuOr', 'Viridis'];
ColorViewController.ColormapNames = ['Classic QIIME Colors',
'Discrete Coloring (Colorbrewer)', 'Orange-Red', 'Purple-Blue',
'Blue-Purple', 'Oranges', 'Blue-Green', 'Yellow-Orange-Brown',
'Yellow-Green', 'Reds', 'Red-Purple', 'Greens', 'Yellow-Green-Blue',
'Purples', 'Green-Blue', 'Greys', 'Yellow-Orange-Red', 'Purple-Red', 'Blues',
'Purple-Blue-Green', 'Spectral', 'Red-Yellow-Green', 'Red-Blue',
'Pink-Yellow-Green', 'Pink-Red-Green', 'Red-Yellow-Blue', 'Brown-Blue-Green',
'Red-Grey', 'Purple-Orange', 'Viridis'];
ColorViewController._colorbrewerDiscrete = ["#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada",
"#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9", "#bc80bd",
"#ccebc5", "#ffed6f", /*first list ends here*/ "#a6cee3", "#1f78b4",
"#b2df8a", "#33a02c", "#fb9a99", "#e31a1c", "#fdbf6f", "#ff7f00", "#cab2d6",
"#6a3d9a", "#ffff99", "#b15928"];
var DISCRETE = 'Discrete';
var SEQUENTIAL = 'Sequential';
var DIVERGING = 'Diverging';
ColorViewController.Colormaps = [
{id: 'discrete-coloring-qiime', name: 'Classic QIIME Colors', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Paired', name: 'Paired', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Accent', name: 'Accent', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Dark2', name: 'Dark', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Set1', name: 'Set1', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Set2', name: 'Set2', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Set3', name: 'Set3', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Pastel1', name: 'Pastel1', type: DISCRETE},
{id: 'Pastel2', name: 'Pastel2', type: DISCRETE},

{id: 'Viridis', name: 'Viridis', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Reds', name: 'Reds', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'RdPu', name: 'Red-Purple', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Oranges', name: 'Oranges', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'OrRd', name: 'Orange-Red', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'YlOrBr', name: 'Yellow-Orange-Brown', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'YlOrRd', name: 'Yellow-Orange-Red', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'YlGn', name: 'Yellow-Green', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'YlGnBu', name: 'Yellow-Green-Blue', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Greens', name: 'Greens', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'GnBu', name: 'Green-Blue', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Blues', name: 'Blues', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'BuGn', name: 'Blue-Green', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'BuPu', name: 'Blue-Purple', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Purples', name: 'Purples', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'PuRd', name: 'Purple-Red', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'PuBuGn', name: 'Purple-Blue-Green', type: SEQUENTIAL},
{id: 'Greys', name: 'Greys', type: SEQUENTIAL},

{id: 'Spectral', name: 'Spectral', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'RdBu', name: 'Red-Blue', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'RdYlGn', name: 'Red-Yellow-Green', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'RdYlB', name: 'Red-Yellow-Blue', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'RdGy', name: 'Red-Grey', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'PiYG', name: 'Pink-Yellow-Green', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'BrBG', name: 'Brown-Blue-Green', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'PuOr', name: 'Purple-Orange', type: DIVERGING},
{id: 'PRGn', name: 'Purple-Green', type: DIVERGING}

// taken from the qiime/ module; a total of 24 colors
ColorViewController._qiimeDiscrete = [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#f27304",
ColorViewController._qiimeDiscrete = ["#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#f27304",
"#008000", "#91278d", "#ffff00", "#7cecf4", "#f49ac2", "#5da09e", "#6b440b",
"#808080", "#f79679", "#7da9d8", "#fcc688", "#80c99b", "#a287bf", "#fff899",
"#c49c6b", "#c0c0c0", "#ed008a", "#00b6ff", "#a54700", "#808000", "#008080"];
ColorViewController._discreteColormaps = {

return ColorViewController;

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