Releases: bioforensics/lusSTR
Releases · bioforensics/lusSTR
lusSTR version 0.10
- Added GUI using streamlit Python package (#74)
- Added custom sequence ranges for PowerSeq data to accommodate the ISFG recommendations (#75)
- Added the creation of log files and record of configuration settings for each lusSTR run (#76)
- Updated how Kintelligence SNP data was outputted to accommodate use in MixDeR (#73)
lusSTR version 0.9
- Added GeneMarker files as acceptable input for PowerSeq data (#67)
- Enhanced the marker plots with coloring by allele type, adding AT line, and creating third set of marker plots containing only the Typed alleles (#69)
- Further developed processing PowerSeq data by accommodating the newest STRait Razor STR config file, PowerSeqv2.31.config, (#68) and accounting for known indels within the PowerSeq flanking sequences of several STR markers (#70)
lusSTR version 0.8
lusSTR version 0.7
- Added LUS+ as possible data type for applying filters and creating files for use in EuroForMix (#57)
- Split Kintelligence SNP data into 10 bins ordered by marker read counts for use in EuroForMix (#58)
- Added ability to accommodate Kintelligence data analyzed using UAS version 2.5 (#59 and #60)
o Different file format
o Differing SNP rsIDs
o All SNPs reported on forward strand - Create two sets of marker plots for STR data to mimic an STR electropherogram (#61)
o The y-axis (read counts) scaled for each individual marker
o The y-axis (read counts) scaled equally for all markers to the marker with the highest read counts - Small bug fix in applying the detection threshold (#56)
lusSTR version 0.6.4
lusSTR version 0.6.3
Fixed bug in the creation of SNP config file (set default for sample input as cwd) and bug in MANIFEST and (#55).
lusSTR version 0.6.2
Fixed fixed bug in and formatting problem in README.
lusSTR version 0.6.1
Updated README (#54)
lusSTR version 0.6
- Small bugs within the conversion of FGA, D13 and D21 were fixed (#46, #47 and #48)
- Filtering using various thresholds (detection, analytical, stutter and same size) can now be applied using either the CE allele (#49) or the bracketed sequence form (#51).
- Create output files for STRmix (using CE allele or bracketed sequence form) and EuroForMix (CE allele only) (#49)
- Can be formatted as either evidence or reference files
- Workflows for STRs and SNPs are now organized using Snakemake (#52 and #53)
- A config file is now required for running lusSTR (created using the command
lusstr config
) - All steps of the workflow can be run in a single command (
lusstr strs all
orlusstr snps all
- A config file is now required for running lusSTR (created using the command
- The SNP workflow can now process SNPs derived from the Kintelligence assay (#53)
- The SNP workflow can now create evidence and reference files for input into EuroForMix (#53)
- Minor changes to headers and code style (#50)
lusSTR version 0.5
- lusSTR can now process ForenSeq SNP data either from a UAS Sample Details and Phenotype Reports or from STRait Razor output (#40).
- Reports the called allele(s) for each SNP as the strand reported by the UAS and the positive strand.
- Allows for the option to select specific types of SNPs (identity, ancestry/phenotype or all).
- Fixed bug with combining reads for identical UAS region sequences for X&Y STR loci (#42).
- Removes Amelogenin sequences from files in annotate command (prevents errors when using files that were not run through the format command; #42).
- Adds ability to input an individual STRait Razor output file into the format command (#42).
- lusSTR now has the option to separate the final output file into individual files for each sample ID (using the --separate flag; #43)
- Available for both STRs and SNPs