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Transforms And Templates (Sansa 0.3)

Michael Pearson edited this page Aug 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Transforms are used by Bip hub objects to map and combine attributes between adjacent channels. They are a JSON object where the object keys are the named imports of a target channel on a hub and the value is the data to inject, evaluated as a text template.

For example if we have an email.smtp_forward channel and we want to set two of its imports, subject and body_text. We can inject custom values like so :

  "subject" : "You Got Mail!",
  "body_text" : "An important message"

Templates can also be interpolated with variables from upstream channels or metadata if they take the form

[%(source|_client|_bip|channel id)#json_path%]

json_path in the example means the JSON Path of an attribute exported by an upstream channel, keyed by either an explicit channel id, or source (ie: whatever the bip receives or generates). This means you can concatenate exports and text together to create a custom import. With the previous email example, lets assume we're using an smtp bip and want to pass through some of the details to an email channel on its hub :

  "subject" : "[%source#subject%]",
  "body_text" : "I got an email from [%_client#repr%] : [%source#body_text%]"

Object and Array Passthrough

Transform templates which only include a single JSONPath will be evaluated in-place, meaning that if the path evaluates to an object or array, then it will be replaced with that structured data.

For example, say we have a channel with a json_document import which expects a structured object and you need to map an export object from a complex payload like so (the 2nd object element of an array) :

  "374d9a1d-cc84-456d-9dad-e1e3065e8c4d" : {
    "payload" : [
      "Payload Title",
        "name" : "This is the document name",
        "body" : {
          "title" : "Document Title",
          "message" : "Document Body"

It can transformed as :

  "json_document" : "[%374d9a1d-cc84-456d-9dad-e1e3065e8c4d#payload[1].body%]"

Or to take the previous email forwarder example, we can just keep on drilling into the object to find what we're looking for :

  "subject" : "[%374d9a1d-cc84-456d-9dad-e1e3065e8c4d#payload[1].body.title%]",
  "body_text" : "[%374d9a1d-cc84-456d-9dad-e1e3065e8c4d#payload[1].body.message%]"

Easy, right?

Bip metadata exports (_bip|_client)

Additional metadata exports are available depending on the type of Bip that is evaluating. These exports are set in _bip and _client exports which can be discovered by calling the /rpc/describe/bip RPC.

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