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Find all the HexSpeak phrases of a given length, in Clojure and Python


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HexSpeak in Clojure, Python and other languages

What is HexSpeak?

"HexSpeak" refers to the use of hex nibbles to create words. For example:

  • Did someone overwrote my magic sentinel value? (0xDEADBEEF)
  • That board's register should return 0xDEADC0DE by default.
  • Someone 0x0DEFACED my code!
  • etc.

Phrases like these pop up as magic constants in various places - markers in memory, sentinel values in registers and custom buses, etc.

But... how can we figure out all possible hexspeak phrases of a target length and count them all?

What! Why would you do this? Are you crazy?

Oh, don't get mad - I just wanted to play with Clojure :-)

I also did some speed benchmarks... Compared to execution with CPython, the Clojure version of the same algorithm runs 2.5x faster (when executed in a warmed-up JVM).

But since Clojure uses the JVM's JIT compilation, the proper comparison is with PyPy - which amazingly, does a better job ; it runs 4.6x faster than CPython (almost 2x faster than Clojure).

Update: Added use of ShedSkin. Since I got interested in speed results, I tried using ShedSkin; which in the end runs 40% faster than PyPy, or put simply, executes the same Python code 7x times faster than CPython (3x faster than Clojure). Very impressive.

Update: But this experiment wasn't really about speed - it was about my desire to play with Lisps again. So I added an implementation in a very Pythonic Lisp (HyLang). Hy runs my code 3x slower than CPython, but at this point I don't care; it was so much fun, playing with it :-) And since there's a hy2py converter, it also allowed me to execute the result under PyPy.

The table below shows the results I get in my laptop from executing my implementations (using all the languages and all the tools). They all return the same number (3020796) of different phrases of length 14, that can be formed from the 'ABCDEF' hex nibbles:

Language/Tool Execution time in ms, to count HexSpeak(14)
C++ 34.96600
Java 104.00000
Python/ShedSkin 357.70300
Python/PyPy 520.08700
Clojure 911.20476
Python/HyLang 1467.77487
Python/CPython 2432.77812

Step 1 - collect the candidate words

The execution begins by filtering contrib/words with a regexp, to find the candidate good-words - those that is, that can be formed from the selected hex nibbles. They are then arranged in a way that allows quick lookups of words for a specific length:


def get_words_per_length(dictionaryFile, letters):
    words = [[] for _ in range(128)]
    m = re.compile(r'^[' + letters + ']*$')
    for word in open(dictionaryFile):
        word = word.strip()
        if len(word) > 2 and m.match(word):
            if word in ['aaa', 'aba', 'abc']:
            if word not in words[len(word)]:
    words[1] = ['a']
    return words

Clojure: (refactored the logic in two functions - one filters the words, another groups them via group-by based on length: )

(defn good-words [rdr letters]
  (let [matcher (re-pattern (str "^[" letters "]*$"))
        forbidden #{"aaa" "aba" "abc"}]
    (doall (->> (line-seq rdr)
                (filter #(and (> (.length ^String %) 2)
                              (re-matches matcher %)
                              (not (contains? forbidden %))))))))

(defn get-words-per-length [letters]
  (let [input-file "/usr/share/dict/words"
        candidates (with-open [rdr ( input-file)]
                     (good-words rdr letters))
        in-map-form (group-by #(.length ^String %)
                              (concat candidates ["a"]))
        max-length (inc (reduce max (keys in-map-form)))]
    (into [] (map #(get in-map-form % []) (range max-length)))))

Testing the Clojure code - showing 3- and 4-letter candidate words:

(get (get-words-per-length "abcdef") 3)
==> ["ace" "add" "baa" "bad" "bed" "bee" "cab" "cad" "dab" "dad" "deb"
     "def" "ebb" "eff" "fab" "fad" "fed" "fee"]

(get (get-words-per-length "abcdef") 4)
==> ["abbe" "abed" "aced" "babe" "bade" "bead" "beef" "cafe" "caff" "ceca"
 "cede" "dace" "dded" "dead" "deaf" "deed" "face" "fade" "faff" "feed"]

Now that the candidate words are there, it's time to assemble them recursively.

Step 2: Assemble the candidates

Python: (to avoid using a global counter, I just mutate the first element of a list. In the initial version of the code, I was adding the phrases to this list so the caller of solve could print them - but this benchmark just counts them: )

def solve_recursive_count(words, currentLen, used, targetLength, cnt):
    for i in range(1, targetLength - currentLen + 1):
        for word in words.get(i, []):
            if word in used:
            if i != targetLength - currentLen:
                    words, currentLen + i, used + [word], targetLength, cnt)
                cnt[0] += 1
cnt = [0]
solve_recursive_count(words, 0, [], targetLength, cnt)
print "Total:", cnt[0]

Clojure: a volatile! is faster than an atom (for the counter)

(defn solve
  [words-per-length target-length phrase-len used-words counter]
  (dotimes [i (- target-length phrase-len)]
    (doseq [w (get words-per-length (inc i) [])]
      (if (not (contains? used-words w))
        (if (= target-length (+ i phrase-len 1))
          (vswap! counter inc) ;faster than swap! and atom
          (solve words-per-length target-length (+ phrase-len (inc i))
                 (conj used-words w) counter))))))
(let [counter (volatile! 0) ; faster than atom
      words-per-length (get-words-per-length "abcdef")]
    (time (solve words-per-length phrase-length 0 #{} counter))
    (printf "Total: %d\n" @counter)))

Both of the languages allow for equally succinct implementations.

Step 3: Speed!

I added a bench rule in my Makefile, that measures 10 runs of solve for 14-character long HexSpeak phrases. I used time.time() in Python, and Clojure's time to do the measurements (but see also section below about JMH and Criterium). I took the minimum of the 10 runs, to avoid (a) the JVM's startup cost and (b) to also take advantage of the 'warm-up' of the HotSpot technology (the first couple of solve runs are much slower than the rest, since the JVM figures out the best places to JIT at run-time).

UPDATE, two days later: I also added a Java implementation to the mix. Unexpectedly, it runs much faster than Clojure (9x) - apparently recursively calling a function millions of times is a pattern that is optimized a lot better in Java than it is in Clojure.

UPDATE, four days later: I also added a C++ implementation to the mix; and since I could play with the actual string data there, I switched used to using them instead of strings... In CS parlance, I interned the strings - which made C++ 3 times faster than Java. To be objective, though, C++ was also the only language where I had segfaults while coding.

(easy, correct, fast - pick two) :-)

UPDATE, a month later: I also added a HyLang implementation to the mix. HyLang is a Lisp that offers Clojure syntax on top of seemless interoperability with Python's standard library; that is, a Lisp where I already knew the standard library! It compiles to Python AST and serializes the output as Python bytecode - so I executed it with PyPy to give it a chance in the benchmarking. It ended up half-way between CPython and Clojure. It was also the most fun I've had in years :-)

Final speed results in my latop:

$ make bench
Benchmarking C++ (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 34.96600

Benchmarking Java (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 104.00000

Benchmarking ShedSkin (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 357.70300

Benchmarking PyPy (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 520.08700

Benchmarking Clojure (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 911.20476

Benchmarking Hy via PyPy (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 1467.77487

Benchmarking Python (best out of 10 executions)...
            Min: 2432.77812

Note that this is the exact same algorithm in all cases - a plain recursion visiting the word space of HexSpeak, in exactly the same order.

These results more or less match my expectations when I started this Clojure experiment... Clojure is much faster than Python, but it's also (much!) slower than plain Java. PyPy's performance surprised me (in a good way) - and of course, C++ speed is on a class of its own... (with the code being a mutable mayhem of interned pointers to chars) :-)

JMH and Criterium

Benchmarking under the JVM can be perilous - the established wisdom is that for Java you use JMH and for Clojure you use Criterium.

As you can see in the links to my code above, I tried both of them. For micro-benchmarks these tools may indeed provide results that are much different that plain old Clojure time or Java's System.nanotime - but in this case, there was no discernible difference between the "advanced" timing results from JMH and Criterium, and those of the "simple" methods. Keep in mind that in the "simple" methods the algorithm is run 10 times and the minimum time is taken.


We can see the spread of the measurements by creating a Tukey boxplot...

$ make boxplot

Tukey boxplot of performance for the fast ones

...where it becomes clear (from the outliers) that even though the JVM starts at approximately the same speed as PyPy, HotSpot quickly kicks-in and moves performance much closer to C++ levels.

Concluding thoughts

I liked playing with Clojure, and loved playing with HyLang (since I didn't have to lookup any standard library - I already know Python's). To be honest, I have a soft spot for all Lisps so it was interesting to fiddle with them again. And even though this benchmark reminded me that there's no free lunch (i.e. Clojure is slower than Java, HyLang is slower than PyPy (and even more so for ShedSkin), still, I enjoyed playing with Lisp syntax again. Didn't do any macros this time :-)

Clojure in particular nudges towards an immutable way of working with the data, which shields your code from tons of bugs (e.g. contrast this mutation in Java with this immutable addition in Clojure.

All in all, this was fun - and quite educational. Many thanks to the people that provided feedback in the discussion at Reddit/Clojure.


Find all the HexSpeak phrases of a given length, in Clojure and Python







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