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Youtube Watchman - Personalized Dashboard Application

landing page
Landing Page

📝 Quick Notes

  • How to run(for development or local testing):

    • Clone the repo
    • Create python virtual environment
    • Install backend packages using pip install my-requirements.txt also dot-env for .flaskenv files
    • Install frontend packages using your favourite package manager inside the frontend folder
    • Create env files .env and .flaskenv(If want to run flask using flask run) for backend also add client_secret files in root directory(this is problem, I have mentioned in next point).(Note for me- what environment variables are required to run, I will tell later. Also, separate, local and deployed env variables files so that same source code, with changed env. variables run different environments)
    • Create env file for frontend, add client_id of your google console application. (Note for me- make global env file from which frontend and backend could pick variables, as they are common to both, so why create separately for them)
    • Start backend and frontend servers and enjoy...
  • Use main branch for development

    • Includes frontend folder for frontend development
  • Use deploy branch for deployment

    • Contains .ebextensions folder for aws-EBS deployment
    • Consider looking at aws-deploy.txt for instructions
  • Tip:

    • Consider having seperate env files for development and deployment
    • Roughly, dev env file would contain db and website details of localhost and deploy env file would contain deployed db and website environments(shh.. its a top secret :) )
  • Lastly, feel free to report improvements through issues or PR tab. Most probably, I respond within 1-2 days. Also, don't forget to star this repo. if you find this interesting.

Happy coding :)