Rails engine for static content.
Fully charged content.
Built on thoughtbot, inc's excellent High Voltage static pages gem. Inspired by Statamic an excellent, altho not free, fully formed php based static content CMS.
Complex Home Page Content, About/History, Information Pages, Marketing Pages, etc. You can render dynamic partials within static content or use custom controllers and actions for subsets of static content, or use content as a normal Rails view for any action.
Include in your Gemfile:
gem 'direct_current', :github => "bitbased/direct_current"
Write your static content pages and put them in the RAILS_ROOT/app/views/pages directory.
$ mkdir app/views/pages
$ touch app/views/pages/index.haml # using haml
$ touch app/views/pages/contact.html.erb
$ touch app/views/pages/about.md # using a markdown gem
You can nest pages in a directory structure, and include index.* pages for sub directories.
Use a --- yaml --- block for page attributes and settings contact.html.erb
title: Contact Us
meta_title: Contact Our Team
layout: layout # set a custom layout
email: info@bitbased.net
<% content_for :header_area %>
<%= image_tag "map.png", :class => "map_image" %>
<% end %>
<h1><%= @page.title %></h1>
Contact us by email or phone<br>
Email: <%= mail_to @page.contact.email %>
After setting up some pages you can create simple navigation from a layout in your app or any content page with:
nav "folder/path"
breadcrumbs # yes, that just happened!
<meta name="title" content="<%= @page.meta_title || @page.title || "" # No Way!!!, Yep =) %>">
<%= nav :root # creates ul/li with 'parent' and 'current' classes for styling navigation state from the :root %>
<%= yield :header_area %>
<%= yield %>
Got it?
prefix pages/paths with number for sorting, prefix with date for sorting and access to @page.date, use index.* pages in folders like you would with static html
numbers and dates are ignored in final urls and any listing parameters:
/pages/02-about/_people.html # _ hides page from nav helper or listings
Pollutes all your views and controllers with a few helpers, views get exciting method_missing handling for ceartain types of hashes
Entry.rb does some weird junk by making an automatic OpenStuct-ish object of child objects to help make the view dsl more elegant
Ruby blocks can be used on arrays and hashes without .each in views also to help the dsl and object keys become locals inside blocks.
<% dictionary = [ {term: "Coffee", definition: "Black hot drink"} ]
<% dictionary do %>
<dt><%= term # object keys become first class citizens in a block %></dt>
<dd><%= definition %></dd>
<% end %>
For now you will need to create a custom controller: app/controllers/content_controller.rb
class ContentController < ApplicationController
layout :layout_for_page
def show
@page = page_finder.get
if @page._redirect
redirect_to ("/" + @page._redirect).gsub(/^\/\//,"/")
render :template => current_page
def contact
params[:path_id] = "information/contact"
And 2 custom routes config/routes.rb
# possible contact form usage
get "/contact" => 'contact_form#new', :path_id => "contact"
post "/contact" => 'contact_form#create', :path_id => "contact"
# simple content usage
get "/*path_id" => 'content#show' # put this after any pages
root :to => 'content#show', :path_id => "" # root to /pages/index.*
Direct Current is Copyright © 2013 bitbased.net. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.