MapServerless is a perhaps useless, perhaps awesome way to run Mapserver in AWS Lambda. An example of how to deploy this layer can be found at [].
This build is based on []
Pull requests always welcome!
Use the Dockerfile here as a template for your own version of MapServerless. Simply edit it to remove or add additional libraries.
To create a new version of MapServerless follow these steps.
- Build the Docker
$ docker build -t mapserverless .
- Create deployment package using the built-in packaging script
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/mapserverless \
-it mapsesrverless
This will create a lambda/ directory containing the native libraries and related files, along with a
file that can be deployed as a Lambda layer.
- Push as Lambda layer (if layer already exists a new version will be created)
$ aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--layer-name mapserverless \
--license-info "MIT" \
--description "MapServer AWS Lambda" \
--zip-file fileb://
- Make layer public (needs to be done each time a new version is published)
$ aws lambda add-layer-version-permission --layer-name mapserverless \
--statement-id public --version-number 1 --principal '*' \
--action lambda:GetLayerVersion