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NanoHaskell: a self-hosting lambda calculus compiler

The goal of this experiment is to create a self-hosting lambda calculus compiler (and interpreter) in a minimal amount of Haskell-style code.

The language is (strict) lambda calculus + data constructors + simple pattern matching + recursive lets + IO effects. The syntax is chosen so that a program can be also a valid Haskell program at the same time (this makes development much easier).

Haskell features like type signatures, data type declarations and imports are parsed (well, recognized...), but then ignored.

Current status

  • it compiles via GHC, both with and without optimizations
  • it self-hosts, both with and without optimizations
  • it needs a large C stack (32+ Mb) + GCC optims (because of the lack of tail call elimination)
  • source code: about 2000 "essential" lines + 560 lines of type annotations; the C runtime is ~650 lines (including some debugging features)
  • the interpreter is not working 100% correctly at the moment


$ nanohs -c input.hs output.c            # compile with optimizations disabled
$ nanhos -o input.hs output.c            # compile with optimizations enabled
$ nanhos -i input.hs [arg1 [arg2 ...]]   # interpret

Or you can just use runghc:

$ runghc Nano.hs -c examples/church.nano tmp.c ; gcc tmp.c ; ./a.out


Haskell imports are ignored, but you can use C-style includes with the pragma:

{-% include "othermodule.hs" %-}

The surface language

The idea is to use a subset of Haskell syntax, so that the same program same program can be also compiled / interpreted by GHC.

  • no static type system (untyped lambda calculus) - but maybe there should be a type checker after all?
  • na data type declarations (constructors are arbitrary capitalized names)
  • no module system - instead, C-style includes
  • strict language (if-then-else must be lazy though; and / or shortcuts too)
  • ML-style side effects (but only used for IO, which is then wrapped into a monad)
  • only simple pattern matching + default branch (TODO: nested patterns)
  • no infix operators
  • list construction syntax [a,b,c] is supported
  • no indentation syntax (only curly braces), except for top-level blocks
  • only line comments, starting at the beginning of the line
  • built-in data types: Int, Char, Bool, List, Maybe, etc - those required by the primops
  • universal polymorphic equality comparison primop (?)
  • no escaping in character / string constants (TODO: maybe it's worth to do escaping?)
  • basic IO: standard input / output, basic file handling, early exit, command line arguments

We can make the same source files to be accepted by both GHC and itself by recognizing and ignoring GHC-specific lines (pragmas, imports, type signatures, datatype declarations, type synonyms). We just put primops implementations into a PrimGHC module (as imports are ignored).

We could in theory have several backends:

  • C99 on 64 bit architectures
  • TODO: x86-64 assembly
  • TODO: some simple bytecode virtual machine

For bootstrapping philosophy it seems to be useful to have a very simple virtual machine, for which an interpreter can be very easily written in C or any other language.

Compilation pipeline

  1. lexer
  2. parser
  3. partition recursive lets using dependency analysis
  4. recognize primops
  5. TODO: eliminate pattern matching into simple branching on constructors
  6. collect data constructors
  7. scope checking & conversion to core language
  8. inline small functions + beta reduce + eliminate unused lets
  9. closure conversion
  10. TODO: compile to some low-level intermediate language
  11. final code generation (TODO: different backends)

Runtime system

There is an "enviroment" stack separate from the CPU stack. This makes it very easy to find GC roots: just walk through the stack. The stack contains pointers to the heap (with the optimization that small heap objects, fitting into 61 bits, are not actually allocated).

On the heap there are only two kind of objects, closures and data constructors:

  • data constructor (needs: tag + arity)
  • closure / partial application (needs: static function pointer / index, number of applied arguments, number of remaining arguments)

Heap pointers are also tagged:

  • normal heap pointer (closure or data constructor)
  • 61 bit literals (int / char)
  • nullary constructors
  • static function pointers
  • foreign pointers (used for file handles in the C runtime)

There are no thunks on the heap because we are strict.

The garbage collector is a very simple copying (compacting) GC.

Implementation details

There are some minor tricks you should be aware if you try to read the code.

Argument order

The order of function arguments on the stack, the captured variables in closures and also the order of constructor arguments on heap are all reversed compared to the "logical" (source code) order. This makes the implementation of application much simpler.

[ Cons_tag    argN ... arg2 arg1 ]                   # data constructor heap object
[ Closure_tag envK ... env2 env1 ]                   # closure heap object 
[ ... | argN ... arg1 envK ... env1 | undefined ]    # stack when calling a static function
      ^ BP                          ^ SP

Note: our stack grows "upwards" (unlike the CPU stack which grows "downwards").

IO monad

There is an IO monad, which in the GHC runtime and the interpreted runtime is the host's IO monad, while in the compiled code it is encoded with functions having side effects:

type IO a = ActionToken -> a

You need to begin your main function with an explicit runIO call (this is useful while debugging, as main can be just a simple expression instead).

Organization of source code

Base.hs          - base library / prelude
Closure.hs       - closure conversion
CodeGen.hs       - code generation
Containers.hs    - container data structures 
Core.hs          - core language
DataCon.hs       - data constructors
Dependency.hs    - reordering lets using the dependency graph
Eval.hs          - interpreter
Inliner.hs       - inliner + basic optimizations
Nano.hs          - main executable
Parser.hs        - parser
PrimGHC.hs       - the primops implemented in Haskell (so that GHC can host it) 
PrimOps.hs       - primops
ScopeCheck.hs    - scope checking + conversion to core
Syntax.hs        - surface syntax
Types.hs         - common types
rts.c            - the runtime system implemented in C     - shell script to bootstrap the compiler    - shell script to measure source code size