$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run shell script generate_certificates.sh or python script self_signed_x509.py to generate all certificates
- Shell Script
$ bash generate_certificates.sh
- Python Script
$ python3 self_signed_x509.py
We create an IAM role that trusts the IAM Roles Anywhere service and provides clients with permissions to AWS services in our account. This allows IAM Roles Anywhere to assume the role and provide temporary AWS credentials.
- Steps are :
- Go to IAM, Roles, and click on the Create Role button
- Select Custom Trust Policy and paste the following policy as the Custom trust policy:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "rolesanywhere.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole", "sts:TagSession", "sts:SetSourceIdentity" ] } ] }
- Click Next, search for the managed policy AmazonS3FullAccess, and select it.
- Click Next (we will narrow down these permissions later).
- Name your role and click Create Role
A profile in which we specify which IAM roles in our account we want to allow clients to assume via temporary credentials.
- Steps are:
- Open the AWS IAM console, go to Roles, and at the bottom, under the Roles Anywhere section, click Manage
- Click Create a profile and provide a name for our profile.
- Under Roles, select your newly created role. You can also add multiple roles here.
- Under Session policies, Managed policies, select the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy. As an example of how we can narrow down the permissions, we will only allow read access to a specific s3 bucket.
- For now, we will not use the Inline policy, so click Create a profile.
The trust anchor represents your CA — either an AWS ACM certificate authority or your own. Your clients will authenticate using a client certificate signed by this CA.
- Steps are:
- Open the AWS IAM console, go to Roles, and at the bottom, under the Roles Anywhere section, click Manage
- Click Create a trust anchor and fill in the anchor name.
- In our example, we will use our own CA, so select the External certificate bundle
- Under External certificate bundle copy your root-cert.pem CA certificate file data.
- Click Create trust anchor
Update role_arn, profile_arn, and trust_anchor_arn in roles_anywhere_auth.py
- cert_pem_data - Update client-cert.pem file data (this is a client certificate pem file)
- private_key_data - Update client-key.pem file data (this is a client private key pem file)
$ python3 roles_anywhere_auth.py