Wi-Fi Forge provides a safe and legal environment for learning WiFi hacking. Based on the open source Mininet-Wifi, this project automatically sets up the networks and tools needed to run a variety of WiFi exploitation labs, removing the need for the overhead and hardware normally required to perform these attacks.
- The installation script will only run on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, or Kali.
- It is suggested to run Wifi Forge on Ubuntu version 14.04 or the lastest version of Kali.
- The Wifi Forge installation script may disrupt normal operating system use, it is suggested to use a fresh install, virtual machine, or build using the provided dockerfile (see Set-Up Guide/Docker)
Wifi-Forge should work on any linux operating system using the docker image. The following Operating Systems have been tested and are confirmed to work.
Note: As of June, pulling from Dockerhub is the most up-to-date version of wififorge. Installing from any other method (including building directly from the Dockerfile) will not guarantee a stable release.
Note: Dockerfile will fail if mininet-wifi is already installed locally
- Pull image from dockerhub
sudo docker pull redblackbird/wififorge:v1.0.0
2.. Start a new container
sudo docker run --privileged=true -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -v /sys/:/sys -v /lib/modules/:/lib/modules/ --name mininet-wifi --network=host --hostname mininet-wifi redblackbird/wififorge:v1.0.0 /bin/bash
3.. Within docker, initiate the controller to simulate APs
RUN service openvswitch-switch start
4.. Run wififorge.py
sudo python3 Framework/WifiForge.py
- Install Docker
sudo snap install docker
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/her3ticAVI/Wifi-Forge
- Run the Dockerfile (may take up to 10 minutes)
sudo docker build -t wififorge .
- Start a new container (command should automatically initiate a docker shell)
sudo docker run --privileged=true -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -v /sys/:/sys -v /lib/modules/:/lib/modules/ --name mininet-wifi --network=host --hostname mininet-wifi wififorge /bin/bash
- Within docker, initiate the controller to simulate APs
RUN service openvswitch-switch start
- Within docker, run WifiForge.py
sudo python3 Framework/WifiForge.py
NOTE: While the setup script is generally stable, running the auto installer directly on your machine may disrupt your operating system in a way that renders it unusable.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/her3ticAVI/Wifi-Forge
- Run setup.sh
cd Wifi-Forge/Framework/
sudo ./setup.sh
- Run Wi-Fi Forge
sudo python3 WifiForge.py
Wi-Fi Forge provides pre-built labs that cover the following:
- Evil twin AP
- WEP PIN Recovery
- WPA2 4 Way Handshake
- WPS Pixie Attacks
- WifiPhisher
- Eaphammer
- etc...
Intializing graphical interfaces as root between the docker image and host machine is restricted on most modern distributions. Run the following command to provide the appropriate permissions -
xhost si:localuser:root
If other issues are encountered, start a thread in the issues section of the repo! :)
Once in a while, the dockerfile will fail before installing packages. Though unconfirmed, this error usually occurs after running Wifi-forge (either on baremetal or within a docker). Rebooting and running the Dockerfile again typically solves the issue.
- https://mininet-wifi.github.io/
- https://www.hackingarticles.in/wireless-penetration-testing-pmkid-attack/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11i-2004
- https://www.wildwesthackinfest.com
- https://nmap.org/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situation_awareness
- https://www.educba.com/linux-network-manager/
- https://www.aircrack-ng.org/
- https://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=airodump-ng
- https://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=cracking_wpa
- https://charlesreid1.com/wiki/Aircrack_and_John_the_Ripper