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Blake Robertson edited this page Nov 26, 2013 · 5 revisions
  1. Find your language File Location 'custom/modules/Asterisk/language/'
  2. Copy the Original English Language File 'en_us.lang'
  3. Rename it to the language you need Example de_de.lang or ru_ru.lang
  4. Open the File, looks something like this.
if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');

$mod_strings = array (

   	'ASTERISKLBL_COMING_IN' 		=>	'Incoming call',
	'ASTERISKLBL_GOING_OUT' 		=>	'Outgoing call',

	'ASTERISKLBL_DENY' 			=>	'Decline',

        'ASTERISKLBL_PHONE' 			=>	'Phone',
	'ASTERISKLBL_NAME' 			=>	'Name',
	'ASTERISKLBL_COMPANY' 		=>	'Account',

	'REQUESTED' 			=>	'Proceeding',
	'PROCEEDING' 			=>	'Proceeding',
	'RINGBACK' 				=>	'Waiting for Answer',
	'INCOMING' 				=>	'Ringing',
	'RINGING' 				=>	'Ringing',
	'CONNECTED' 			=>	'Connected',
	'DIAL'					=>  'Ringing',
	'HANGUP'                =>  'Finished',

    // Added in v2.2
	'ASTERISKLBL_DURATION'         => 'Duration',
	'ASTERISKLBL_SELECTCONTACT'    => 'Select Contact',
	'ASTERISKLBL_CALLERID'         => 'CallerID',

    // For asteriskLogger.php SOAP call entries
	'CALL_AUTOMATIC_RECORD'         => '** Automatic record **',
	'CALL_IN_LIMBO'                 => 'In Limbo',
	'CALL_STATUS_HELD'              => 'Held',
	'CALL_STATUS_MISSED'            => 'Missed',
	'CALL_NAME_CALL'                => 'CALL',
	'CALL_NAME_MISSED'              => 'Missed Call',
	'CALL_DESCRIPTION_MISSED'       => 'Missed/failed call',


  1. Only translate the strings on the right side of => and save it. Do NOT translate variable names like 'CALL_NAME_CALL'!!!
  2. Make sure that the language File has the same name like the one installed in SugarCRM

See also this thread where the original discussion on translation occurred. See here

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