Use CF template (N. Virginia) and spin up an EC2 instance which Docker is already installed, SSH and HTTP ports are open.
Check if docker is active and running:
systemctl status docker
- Copy webpage content from on-prem to EC2 instance, under /webpage directory in out instance:
scp -i "pemname.pem" -r ./website ec2-user@ec2-18-212-68-212.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/home/ec2-user
#To move all files and folders to an upper folder in linux:
mv -v ./* ../
- Create an nginx containter and bind mount newly created folder:
docker run -d --name explore-california -p 80:80 -v /home/ec2-user/webpage:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
This is manual (imperative) deployment of the webpage. Let's do it with declerative approach.
Prepare Dockerfile
- vim Dockerfile
- To find out the image we need to write to FROM section; go to https://hub.docker.com/
- Search an image which can run nginx, bcoz we need nginx to run our website.
- See "Official build of Nginx."
- Click that image and check that out
- See all the supported images we can use on "Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links"
- See "alpine" is enough for us, we use Amazon Linux
- FROM nginx:alpine --> We use alpine image and nginx on top of it
- MAINTAINER Rafe Stefano # This is optional
- Copy the content of the website to the image: COPY webpage /webpage
- Copy nginx config for prod: COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx.conf
- Look at the image documentation, how to use it! "How to use this image"
- What port should be exposed: EXPOSE 80
- :wq
- Use Dockerfile Documentation for further querries: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/
Build the image:
- For detailed info: docker build --help
- docker build --tag website .
Run the image:
- docker run --publish 80:80 website