This Linux driver has been developed to run on the Xilinx Zynq FPGA. It is a userspace input/output driver (UIO) that enables the passing of register values to and from the Zynq FPGA. Userspace applications use this UIO driver to configure and control the accelerator operations.
Kernel modules need to be built against the version of the kernel it will be inserted in. It is recommended to uses the Linux kernel maintained by Xilinx.
git clone
The driver module can be compiling outside of the Linux kernel source tree. A variable 'KDIR' in the Makefile is used to point to the kernel source directory. The default value has it pointing to the default Linux install location for kernel sources. However, if cross compiling or if the sources are in a non-default location the value can be overridden using an exported environmental variable or as an argument passes into the make command.
cd zynq-uflow/dev/
export KDIR=../../linux-xlnx
cd zynq-uflow/dev/
make KDIR=../../linux-xlnx
Use of the driver module requires it to be inserted into the running Linux kernel. Once inserted it will automatically create a character device file in '/dev' called '/dev/uflow-cfg'. However, the default permissions will not allow non-root users to read/write to the file. These permissions can be overridden by installing the udev rule file found in this projects 'util' directory into the systems '/etc/udev/rules.d/' directory. Alternatively, once the modules inserted the permissions can be changed manually using 'chmod'.
sudo cp util/80-uflow.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo insmod dev/uflow.ko
sudo insmod uflow.ko && sudo chmod 666 /dev/uflow-cfg
To remove the module.
sudo rmmod uflow
To install the module and have it loaded at boot, first install the udev rule as shown above and then follow the below instructions.
sudo mkdir -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/
sudo cp uflow.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe uflow
sudo sh -c 'echo "uflow" >> /etc/modules'
The uflow library has to be built and installed before the demo applications can be compiled. The library offers a number of generic functions for use in configuring the accelerator. For example, it can write a single values or pass in an entire array of values.
cd lib/
sudo make install
The demo application runs a simple configuration test.
cd demo