This project uses docker containers to startup JavaEE PostgreSQL web application. The local environment will be available at localhost
Follow install instructions at
Follow instructions for installing docker-compose on macOS, Windows, and 64-bit Linux
Env Var | Description |
ORCID_SOURCE | /Users/jperez/git/ORCID_Source |
PG_PASSWORD | orcid |
Rename test.env as .env update as needed
git clone
cd orcid-docker
Build and pack the orcid web war file, helper script and config at
cp ./tomcat/test.env .env
sh ./tomcat/ master
To start all services from the root folder do
docker-compose up -d
We can found containers IP from container name with
docker inspect --format '{{ (index .NetworkSettings.Networks "orcid_default").IPAddress }}' orcid_web_1
and.. That's it.
Test the service with
curl -I -k -L https://localhost:8443/orcid-web/signin
or simply browse to https://localhost:8443/orcid-web
Later we can stop or destroy the environment with
docker-compose stop
docker-compose down
Reusing postgres library, create local volume to persist orcid data
docker volume create orcid_data
docker run --name orcid-postgres \
-v $(pwd)/tomcat/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
-v orcid_data:/var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main \
-d postgres:9.5
Every sql files at /tomcat/initdb/* is going to be run as
psql -U postgres -f /opt/initdb/orcid_dump.sql
, Download orcid_dump.sql from any sandbox machine
Build the base java web container
cd ~/git/ORCID-Source
mvn clean install package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dlicense.skip=true
Ready to build our custom orcid-web container
cd ~/git/orcid-docker/tomcat
docker build --rm -t orcid/web -f ./tomcat/Dockerfile .
If new container is available at docker images
then we're ready to run orcid-web
docker run --name orcid-web \
--rm -v `pwd`/orcid:/orcid \
--link \
-d orcid/web
watch the app startup with
docker logs -f orcid-web