This Client fetches a videogames catalog where you can see prices, newest ones and also filter them.
- This Project was built with MVVM Architecture using Reactive Patterns
- In order to implement a precise layout this client uses an Dependency called Snapkit (
- Included Couchbase as Persistency Manager
- Using XCTest for Unit Tests
- SnapKit: Used for Programatic Layout Design (
- Moya: Used for creating a Networking layer (])
- Kingfisher: Image dowloader client (
- RxSwift: Implementation of reactive patterns in app (
- Couchbase: Used for data persistence.
- Design App Architecture
- Create XCode Project
- Install Dependencies
- Organize project structure
- Create & Test Models
- Create Networking Layer
- Create Game List Controller with Layout
- (GameList, Data Persistence) Connect Database with View Model Controller & Test
- (GameList, Networking layer) Connect Networking layer with Database and update once data is fetched
- (GameList) Implement Filtering by Specific Game Brand
- Create Game Details View Controller with Layout
- (GameDetails) Connect ViewModel With Controller
- (GameDetails, Optional) Integrate Share Game
- Create Filter Game Controller with Layout and ViewModel
- (FilterGame) Integrate Price Range Component
- (FilterGame) Integrate Sorting Component
- (FilterGame) Integrate Rating Component
- (FilterGame) Integrate Brand Component
- Implement FilterGameResults Controller with Layout and ViewModel
- (FilterGameResults) Implement Clear Filter
- Implement Onboarding Screen Controller
- (OnBoarding) Integrate firstTimeOnly