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This configset installs a spot termination script that will continuously run and monitor for the spot two-minute warning. Upon seeing the two-minute warning, it will drain the instance from the ECS Cluster.
Lono configsets allow CloudFormation cfn-init configsets that are typically embedded in the template to be reusable. More info: Lono Configsets docs.
Add to project Gemfile:
git "ecs-spot-termination", git: ""
Use configset
to enable the configset for the blueprint. Example:
configset("ecs-spot-termination", resource: "SpotFleet")
This adds the configset to the resource
with the logical id SpotFleet
in your CloudFormation template. The configset is added to the Resources["SpotFleet"].Metadata.AWS::CloudFormation::Init attribute of the SpotFleet
resource. You can confirm that it'll be used with the lono configsets BLUEPRINT command.
lono configsets demo