Simple, yet flexible XPath powered XML linter.
This tool implies you are familiar with XPath (XML Path Language)
- CI mode designed for Continuous Integration or batch checks - evaluates rules from a configuration file
- Ad-hoc query - evaluates rules passed by command line flags
In CI mode the tool should be used in collaboration with exec option of find utility. For example, if we are going to check all xml in Regression directory against rules in config.yaml:
find ./Regression/ -type f -name "*.xml" -exec ./xpath-linter -ci -cfg ./config.yaml {} \;
In ad-hoc mode, e.g. we are looking for services which do not have generic variables:
find ./Regression/ -type f -name "*.xml" -exec ./xpath-linter -contain //variables {} \;
- name: No variables in settings
targets: /settings
must: yes
contain: //variables
- name: Username in settings having type=Client is not empty
having: //type[text()="Client"]
must: no
contain: //username[text()]
- name: No nodes with value > 1
targets: //node
must: no
contain: //node[text()>1]
- name: Empty tag
targets: //node
must: no
contain: //node[not(text())]
- name: Tag contains bad word
must: no
contain: //tag[contains(text(), "bad word")]
Usage: ./release/xpath-linter [FLAGS] [FILE]
--cfg string File with linting rules (default "config.yaml")
--ci Continous integration mode. Evalutates rules from the config against the target file
--contain string XPath query to evaluate. Cheatsheet (default "/")
--having string Optional XPath condition which must be true to proceed with a query. Works like a filter
--must Whether target node must have or not 'contain' nodes (default true)
--targets string XPath query to find target nodes, default is root node (default "/")
--version Show app version