This is the first project of the COMP304 course (Fall '22) in Koç University.
Bora Berke Şahin
Büşra Işık
Use the following to compile and run the shell.
gcc shellax.c -o shellax
Use the following format to run any process in the background in the shell.
<command name> <args> &
Given sorted lines from a pipe
cat input.txt | uniq
Given sorted lines using redirector
uniq <input.txt
Include count of unique elements
uniq --count <input.txt
Enter to a room best_room
with username bora
chatroom best_room bora
Enter to the same best_room
with username busra
chatroom best_room busra
Then start chatting!
Give an integer specifying how often a quote is voice overed in terms of minutes.
wiseman 5
usage: snake [-h] [--speed {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}]
[--frame {small,medium,large}]
A simple and fun classic snake game!
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--speed {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
the speed of the game. Between 1 and 10
--frame {small,medium,large}
Size of the frame. small, medium, or big.
This command has two inputs: the first one is an integer indicating which of the three dances you want to be displayed and the second one is an integer indicating how many times you want the animation to be played.
dance 1 3
dance 2 3
dance 3 3
Enter a PID of a process and an image output name for the child processes of that process as a tree graph, eldest children of each process colored red.
psvis 1 image