This project is a part of the Udacity Front End Nano Degree. The project was created based off a fork from the starter code provided by the Udacity Github.
For more information about the Udacity Front End Nano Degree, please visit the Udacity FEND website.
Navigate to the project repository and dowload the zip file or, using the terminal enter the following command:
git clone
Unzip the file, navigate to the directory, and double-click the index.html file. Or, using the terminal enter the following command:
open ./index.html
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the results of the tests.
This project uses the Jasmine Testing Framework. For more information refer to the Jasmine Github v2.1 Documentation.
This project is used to help the student formulate Jasmine tests on a working feed reader website provided by Udacity. The goal is to create seven total tests that are independent of each other to ensure the website is working properly. The project also provides a SpecRunner HTML file to allow for live browser-based testing results.
Seven test specs are required:
- RSS feed container is created
- RSS feed urls are defined
- RSS feed names are defined
- Menu is hidden by default
- Clicking the menu icon toggles the menu open and closed
- Upon the website loading, the RSS feed should be loaded
- Loading a new feed changes the displayed feed content