Bottle Rocket Labs was created to host a number of tools that I use to ease local development
- pair - a tool for remote terminal pair programming
- localpod - a tool to start a local development container
- gitlab - a tool to create gitlab issues
- dotfiles - a tool (as if there wasn't enough) to manage dotfiles
- rpbcopy - a tool to help with copying remote text to the host clipboard over ssh or through tmux - fork
Everything here was built on the shoulders of giants using a number of other amazing projects hard work:
Hopefully there is something useful here for you
Installation instructions for bottlerocketlabs applications
Applications are available for install via homebrew or curling a script into bash
# Should work on mac, linux or windows with wsl2
brew install bottlerocketlabs/apps/pair
brew install bottlerocketlabs/apps/gitlab
brew install bottlerocketlabs/apps/dotfiles
brew install bottlerocketlabs/apps/localpod
brew install bottlerocketlabs/apps/rpbcopy
# need sudo curl gpg if not already
curl | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bottlerocketlabs.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y pair
sudo apt-get install -y gitlab
sudo apt-get install -y dotfiles
sudo apt-get install -y localpod
sudo apt-get install -y rpbcopy
# need sudo wget if not already
sudo wget -O /etc/apk/keys/
echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/apk/repositories
sudo apk update
sudo apk add --no-cache pair
sudo apk add --no-cache gitlab
sudo apk add --no-cache dotfiles
sudo apk add --no-cache localpod
sudo apk add --no-cache rpbcopy
mkdir -p "${HOME}/bin" && cd "${HOME}/bin"
echo 'PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"' >> "${HOME}/.profile"
curl '' | bash
curl '' | bash
curl '' | bash
curl '' | bash
curl '' | bash
curl '!' | bash
curl '!' | bash
curl '!' | bash
curl '!' | bash
curl '!' | bash
curl '!!' | bash
curl '!!' | bash
curl '!!' | bash
curl '!!' | bash
curl '!!' | bash
# add @<tag> to url after project name eg:
curl '!!' | bash
See upstream project for further details: