This repo contains some Rust cli tools for working with new-line delimited geojson
These tools are currently pre-release. There will be releases with builds for linux and macos.
This repo requires a nightly compiler before 2020-09-28 exclusive.
To build
rustup default nightly-2020-09-27
cargo build --release
for lto (optimizations for code speed and size) on ndjson
cd ndjson
cargo build -Z unstable-options --profile=release-ndjson
ls -lh ../target/release-ndjson/ndjson
ndjson-spatial centroid
ndjson-spatial intersection --ref <reference-file.geo.json>
- currently: polygon/polygon
ndjson-spatial nearest-distance --ref <ref> --field-name
- currently: point/point
ndjson-spatial area --field-name <field-name>
ndjson-spatial from-geojson
ndjson-spatial to-geojson
ndjson filter <expression>
ndjson filter " >= 30000.0"
ndjson pick-field <expression>
ndjson pick-field " "
ndjson join --ref <ref> --ref-field <ref-fields> --stream-field <stream-field>
- ref-fields, stream-fields should be space delimited list of ''
ndjson-spatial join-contains --ref <reference-file.geo.json> --field-name <field-name>
ndjson select-count <expression> --selector <selector> --field-name <field-name>
ndjson select-count --selector light=yes --field-name NUM_W_LIGHT
ndjson select-avg <expression> --selector <selector> --field-name <field-name>
ndjson select-avg --selector light=yes --field-name AVG_W_LIGHT