katafygio discovers Kubernetes objects (deployments, services, ...), and continuously save them as yaml files in a git repository. This provides real time, continuous backups, and keeps detailled changes history.
To dump the cluster content once and exit:
katafygio --no-git --dump-only --local-dir /tmp/clusterdump/
To create a local git repository and continuously save the cluster content:
katafygio --local-dir /tmp/clusterdump/
To continuously push changes to a remote git repository:
katafygio --git-url https://user:token@github.com/myorg/myrepos.git --local-dir /tmp/clusterdump/
Filtering out irrelevant objects (esp. ReplicaSets and Pods) with -w
, -x
, -y
and -z
is useful to keep a concise git history.
# Filtering out objects having an owner reference (eg. managed pods or replicasets,
# from Deployments, Daemonsets etc that we already archive), secrets (confidential),
# events and nodes (irrelevant), helm secrets/configmap releases, and a configmap
# named "leader-elector" that has low value and is causing commits churn:
katafygio \
--local-dir /tmp/clusterdump/ \
--git-url https://user:token@github.com/myorg/myrepos.git \
--exclude-having-owner-ref \
--exclude-kind secrets,events,nodes,endpoints \
--exclude-object configmap:kube-system/leader-elector \
--filter 'owner!=helm'
You can also use the docker image.
Backup Kubernetes cluster as yaml files in a git repository.
--exclude-kind (-x), --exclude-object (-y) and --exclude-namespaces (-z)
may be specified several times, or once with several comma separated values.
katafygio [flags]
katafygio [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number
-s, --api-server string Kubernetes api-server url
-c, --config string Configuration file (default "/etc/katafygio/katafygio.yaml")
-q, --context string Kubernetes configuration context
-d, --dry-run Dry-run mode: don't store anything
-m, --dump-only Dump mode: dump everything once and exit
-w, --exclude-having-owner-ref Exclude all objects having an Owner Reference
-x, --exclude-kind strings Ressource kind to exclude. Eg. 'deployment'
-z, --exclude-namespaces strings Namespaces to exclude. Eg. 'temp.*' as regexes. This collects all namespaces and then filters them. Don't use it with the namespace flag.
-y, --exclude-object strings Object to exclude. Eg. 'configmap:kube-system/kube-dns'
-l, --filter string Label selector. Select only objects matching the label
-t, --git-timeout duration Git operations timeout (default 5m0s)
-g, --git-url string Git repository URL
-p, --healthcheck-port int Port for answering healthchecks on /health url
-h, --help help for katafygio
-k, --kube-config string Kubernetes configuration path
-e, --local-dir string Where to dump yaml files (default "./kubernetes-backup")
-v, --log-level string Log level (default "info")
-o, --log-output string Log output (default "stderr")
-r, --log-server string Log server (if using syslog)
-a, --namespace string Only dump objects from this namespace
-n, --no-git Don't version with git
-i, --resync-interval int Full resync interval in seconds (0 to disable) (default 900)
All settings can be passed by command line options, or environment variable, or in a yaml configuration file The environment are the same as command line options, in uppercase, prefixed by "KF_", and with underscore instead of dashs. ie.:
export KF_GIT_URL=https://user:token@github.com/myorg/myrepos.git
export KF_LOCAL_DIR=/tmp/clusterdump
export KF_LOG_LEVEL=info
export KF_EXCLUDE_KIND="pod ep rs clusterrole"
# non-prefixed KUBECONFIG works the same as for kubectl
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kconfig
You can find pre-built binaries in the releases page, ready to run on your desktop or in a Kubernetes cluster.
We also provide a docker image on docker hub and on quay.io.
On MacOS, you can use the brew formula:
brew install bpineau/tap/katafygio
You can also deploy with the provided helm chart and/or repository:
helm repo add katafygio https://bpineau.github.io/katafygio
helm repo update
helm install kube-backups katafygio/katafygio
- Heptio Velero does sophisticated clusters backups, including volumes
- Stash backups volumes
- etcd backup operator save etcd dumps (archived project)