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Annotation-based Service Task worker for Process Engine API for Spring Boot


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Process Engine API Worker

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Purpose of the library

A small opinionated annotated-based SpringBoot worker implementation for creation of external task workers using Process-Engine-API.

How to use

Add the following dependency to your project's class path:


Provide a Spring Component and annotate its method as following and doing everything else manually:

public class MyWorker {
  private final FetchGoodsInPort fetchGoodsInPort;
  @ProcessEngineWorker(topic = "fetchGoods", autoComplete = false)
  public void fetchGoods(
    TaskInformation taskInformation,
    ExternalTaskCompletionApi externalTaskCompletionApi,
    VariableConverter variableConverter,
    Map<String, Object> processPayload
  ) {
    var order = variableConverter.mapToType(payload.get("order"), Order.class);

    // execute some business code
    var fetched = fetchGoodsInPort.fetchGoods(order);

    // complete the task using process engine API
      new CompleteTaskCmd(taskInformation.getTaskId(), () -> Map.of("shipped", fetched))

You can get it even more convenient, if you want the worker to auto complete the task after the execution and use the automatic variable conversion:

public class MySmartWorker {

  private final FetchGoodsInPort fetchGoodsInPort;

  @ProcessEngineWorker(topic = "fetchGoods")
  public Map<String, Object> fetchGoods(
    @Variable(name = "order") Order order
  ) {
    // execute some business code
    var fetched = fetchGoodsInPort.fetchGoods(order);
    return Map.of("shipped", fetched);

Parameter resolution of the method annotated with ProcessEngineWorker is based on a set of strategies registered by the ParameterResolver bean. Currently, the following parameters are resolved:

Type Purpose
TaskInformation Helper abstracting all information about the external task.
ExternTaskCompletionApi API for completing the external task manually
VariableConverter Special utility to read the process variable map and deliver typed value
Map<String, Object> Payload object containing all variables.
Type annotated with @Variable("name) Marker for a process variable.

Usually, the requested variable is mandatory and the parameter resolver reports an error, if the requested variable is not available in the process payload. If you want to inject the variable only if it exists in the payload you have two options. Either you set the parameter @Variable(name = "...", mandatory = false) or you use Optional<T> instead of T as a variable type. If you are using Kotlin and don't like Optional, make sure to declare variable type as nullable (T? instead of T) and set the mandatory flag to false.

If the return type of the method is of type Map<String, Object> or compatible and the autoComplete flag is turned on the annotation is true (defaults to true), the library will try to automatically complete the External Task using the returned map as completion variables. If autoComplete is true, but no return value is provided, the task will be completed without empty payload. This functionality is provided by the ResultResolver based on registered strategies.

If you want to throw a BPMN error, please throw an instance of a BPMNErrorOccured.


You might want to register your own parameter resolution strategies. For this purpose, please construct the parameter resolver bean on your own and register your own strategies:

class MyConfig {

  fun myParameterResolver(): ParameterResolver {
    return ParameterResolver.builder().addStrategy(
        parameterMatcher = { param -> ... },
        parameterExtractor = { param, taskInformation, payload, variableConverter, taskCompletionApi -> ... },

Optionally, you might want to register own result resolution strategies. For this purpose, please construct the result resolver bean on your own and register your own strategies:

class MyConfig {

  fun myResultResolver(): ResultResolver {
    return ResultResolver.builder().addStrategy(
        resultMatcher = { method -> ... },
        resultConverter = { result -> ... },

If you want to switch the entire library off (for example you are in the context of an integrtion test, and parts of your Process Engine API are deactivated), you can do it by setting the property dev.bpm-crafters.process-api.worker.enabled to false.


There is an Order fulfillment example, you can easily try out. It follows the approach of clean architecture and uses Process Engine API and Process Engine Worker libraries. To run it, you have several options:

Running locally using Camunda 7 embedded

  1. Start FulfillmentProcessApplication activating profile c7embedded Spring profile.

Running locally using self-managed Camunda 8

  1. Start docker-compose.yaml (this will start containerized Zeebe locally)
  2. Start FulfillmentProcessApplication activating Spring profile c8sm.

Running using Camunda SaaS

  1. Start FulfillmentProcessApplication activating Spring profile c8cloud and pass the following environment variables:

After starting application, you can either use Open API endpoints or just run the HTTP client tests using your IntelliJ, located in the example directory.

Don't forget to first deploy the process! Either manually via operate / modeler, or with the HTTP client script: c8-deploy-process.http