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Event Based Gateway Plugin

LeonBein edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

XML Tag Name


Short description

This plug in adds support for BPMN event based gateways. Dependent on which task/event of all outgoing flows will occur first, this flow will be followed and all other will be canceled.

Dependencies to other plugins

None specific, but any form of event arrival plugin should be used in order to achieve events that are not triggered immediately after the gateway.


This plugin can be used in combination with the EventArrivalRate plug in.

Detailed description

EventBased Gateways do not have to be described in the simulation file, it is enough to model them in the BPMN file as usual.
This plugin extends the GatewayEventPluggable with In the course of this all events or tasks of the outgoing flows will be scheduled. If they are not the first, they will be canceled.