Demonstration of Next.js 9.x on Google App Engine's Standard Environment for Node.js.
- Install the Google Cloud Platform SDK.
- Clone this repo.
Start the app to make sure it runs properly.
npm run dev
If you have not set up a project and application to run this demo, follow the steps below. Otherwise, skip to the next section.
First, authenticate to GCP if you have not already:
gcloud auth login
Using the GCP CLI, create a new project and application. Replace PROJECT-NAME
with your own.
gcloud projects create PROJECT-NAME
gcloud config set project PROJECT-NAME
gcloud app create
Wait a few minutes while Google provisions resources. While you are waiting, enable the Cloud Build API for your project by visiting the Cloud Build API page for your project (ex:
npm run build
npm run deploy
Visit the link provided by GCP to test.
module.exports = {
distDir: 'build',
- Google App Engine doesn't recognize .next folder so you need to change the folder from .next to build using the distDir parameter in the next.config.js
env: standard
runtime: nodejs12
service: default
- url: /.*
secure: always
script: auto
- The newest version of nextjs has dependencies that require nodejs12, so setting the runtime to nodejs12 fixes that issue
- the /.* ensures access to all folders and sub folders within the build folder
- secure always ensures https is used
- script auto tells GAE to rely on nextjs to indicate what files to load instead of index.js
package.json -> scripts
"start": "next start -p 8080"
- GAE runs on port 8080 and uses the start script by default in the package.json file
package.json -> scripts
"build": "rm -rf ./build && NODE_ENV=production next build",
"start": "next start -p 8080",
"deploy": "npm run build && gcloud app deploy"
the build script command removes the existing build folder and then runs a new build, this prevents nextjs making multiple versions and running into issues uploading many unnecessary previous builds during deploy
the deploy script command runs the build script and the app deploy command
if your fearless
"deploy": "npm run build && gcloud app deploy --quiet"
use the quiet tag so you don't have to type "y" to confirm deploy
You should only be upload the build folder and public folder to GAE. To prevent uploading source code you should add these lines to the .gcloudignore files. /pages
is just the standard folder for basic next projects, if you have more like /components/
, or /store/
you should add those too.
# Next.js source code
Dynamic Catch All Route
If you are using the dynamic catch all route blog/[...slug].js
then you might get this error
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Filename cannot contain '.', '..', '\r', start with '-', '_ah/', or '\n': blog/[...slug]/index.js
Basically GAE doesn't like when files names have ...
in them. To fix this your package.json scripts should now be
"gcp-predeploy": "find ./build -name '\\[...*' -exec bash -c 'mv \"$1\" \"${1/.../@@@}\"' -- {} \\;",
"gcp-build": "find ./build -name '\\[@@@*' -exec bash -c 'mv \"$1\" \"${1/@@@/...}\"' -- {} \\;",
"build": "rm -rf ./build && NODE_ENV=production next build",
"start": "next start -p 8080",
"deploy": "npm run build && npm run gcp-predeploy && gcloud app deploy"
So now the deploy script runs build which removes the existing build folder, builds a new one, then replaces the dynamic all route file names from [...slug].js to [@@@slug].js, deploys the app, and once the app is uploaded GAE runs gcp-build and renames them back to [...slug].js
This fix was taken from here and modified vercel/next.js#10556 (comment)