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An exploration into persisting state in a functional programming environment, and how one might implement a simple state-driven rendering engine like React with low overhead and specifically defined "hook" subscriptions. Also includes a custom webpack setup that allows for some really clean project architecture and reduced bundle size.

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A quick overview of all of the different babel and webpack extensions this project uses.

  • webpack: bundles our code
  • babel: allows us to use modern javascript
  • babel/preset-env: tells us which browsers to target when compiling
  • babel/polyfill: polyfills features to support browsers that don't support them
  • babel-loader: lets us use babel and webpack
  • core-js@3: polyfill of the standard js library that provides the latest ecmascript support
  • @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import: dynamic importing/lazy loading

NOTE: the polyfills are dependencies, NOT dev dependencies, as they are required in the bundle!


  • style-loader: adds CSS to the dom by injecting a style tag that's cool
  • css-loader: resolves imports in css
  • node-sass: technical garbage
  • sass-loader: loads sass and compiles into css
  • postcss-loader: adds PostCSS to webpack
  • postcss-preset-env: polyfills modern css for older browsers
  • css-nano: minifies css in bundle


  • clean-webpack-plugin: removes build folder before building again
  • file-loader: resolves imports/requires into urls in outdir and emits file (COOL)
  • html-loader: resolves src paths as module requires? fixes images maybe?
  • mini-css-extract-plugin: splits css into separate files
  • terser-webpack-plugin: minify js
  • optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin: optimize/minify css when building
  • purgecss-webpack-plugin: removes unused css
  • compression-webpack-plugin: compresses assets with Content=Encoding: gz
  • brotli-webpack-plugin: compresses assets to serve with Content-Encodign: br


An exploration into persisting state in a functional programming environment, and how one might implement a simple state-driven rendering engine like React with low overhead and specifically defined "hook" subscriptions. Also includes a custom webpack setup that allows for some really clean project architecture and reduced bundle size.







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