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Reading and writing arbitrary archives.

An extension of the tar library that, similar to the tar UNIX executable, can create an archive with a given compression algorithm and automatically detect the compression algorithm of an archive when extracting.

import Codec.Archive.ZTar

-- equivalent to `Codec.Archive.Tar.create "archive.tar" "dist/" ["."]`
createFrom NoCompression "archive.tar" "dist/" ["."]

-- helper to compress a single directory; equivalent to previous line
create NoCompression "archive.tar" "dist/"

-- compress with GZip
create GZip "archive.tar.gz" "dist/"

-- compress with Zip
create Zip "" "dist/"

-- automatically determines compression
extract "archive.tar" "archive-tar/"
extract "archive.tar.gz" "archive-gz/"
extract "" "archive-zip/"

-- can also use Path types
import Path
import Path.IO
home <- getHomeDir
let archive = home </> [relfile|archive.tgz|]
dir <- resolveDir "dist/"
create' GZip archive dir