The python file I used to create my domesticated animal map.
All of the attributions and results are available here:
This file was created in Google Colaboratory. I've also tested it in a local Python environment, but not in a Jupyter notebook environment. However, I see no reason why it wouldn't work in any environment where you have the prerequisite packages and can run Python.
Python Packages Used:
Folium (map tool)
Licensed under an MIT License, copyright Rob Story
Branca (legend tool)
Licensed under an MIT License, copyright Martin Journois
Pandas (dataset wrangler)
The pandas development team. pandas-dev/pandas: Pandas. Latest, Zenodo, Oct. 2021. 10.5281/zenodo.3509134.
Data structures for statistical computing in python, McKinney, Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference, Volume 445, 2010.
Seaborn (data visualization)
Waskom, Michael L. "seaborn: statistical data visualization." Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 6, no. 60, The Open Journal, 2021,
Matplotlib (data visualization)
Hunter, J. D. "Matplotlib: A 2D graphics environment." Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, IEEE COMP SOC, 2007,
KModes (clustering algorithm)
Licensed under an MIT License, copyright Nico de Vos.