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Brave Ads Advertiser API Guide

Brian Fung edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 11 revisions

Getting Started

  1. Log on to

  2. Generate an API KEY

    1. Profile -> Generate API Key
    2. Record generated API key, as you will not be able to retrieve it again


Campaign Details

Retrieves all campaigns you have ran, as well as the ad sets and ads associated with them by ID.

Optional Parameters
  • from (date in UTC) - Fetch campaigns that ended on or after specified date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

Campaign Reporting

Retrieves reporting details about a specific campaign you have ran, where the ID can be retrieved from the campaign details endpoint.

Common Reporting fields

Day/Hour,Advertiser Name,Campaign Name,Campaign ID,Creative Set ID,Creative Set Name,Creative Instance ID,Creative Title,Creative Body,Creative URL,View Counts,Click Counts,Dismissed Counts,Landed Counts,Conversion Counts,OS,Spend,View-through Conversion Counts,Click-through Conversion Counts,Attribution Window (days)

Note: v1 Returns an additional Segment column between OS and Spend

Shared Optional Parameters

  • from (date in UTC) - Fetch data on or after specified date. Defaults to campaign start date if not specified. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • to (date in UTC) - Fetch data up to specified date. Defaults to campaign end date if not specified. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • country - Add country column to report. Defaults to false. Format true

v1 Reporting

Returns all fields specified above, as well as an additional Segment column between OS and Spend
i.e: ...Conversion Counts,OS,Segment,Spend,View-through Conversion Counts...


v2 Reporting

Returns all fields specified above


Making Requests

Pass API key in header

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'X-Brave-Api-Key: <API_KEY>' \

Response Examples

Campaign Response

  "id": "f9f88715-db91-421b-9d1d-983742ef14c5", // Advertiser ID
  "name": "My Advertiser Name",
  "state": "active",
  "campaigns": [
      "id": "a3de655d-ae1b-41a5-b6f9-741a40010d00", // Campaign ID
      "name": "My Campaign Name",
      "format": "push_notification",
      "startAt": "2022-08-09T14:49:11.714Z",
      "endAt": "2024-03-22T05:42:49.691Z",
      "adSets": [
          "id": "e161f081-f249-4216-b9ad-64e2ba4c1b65", // Ad Set ID
          "name": "My First Ad Set",
          "ads": [
              "id": "c93d9444-2c59-4cec-9a61-de3e1e3f7552" // Ad ID

v1 Reporting Response

Day/Hour,Advertiser ID,Campaign ID,Creative Set ID,Creative Instance ID,Creative Title,Creative Body,Creative URL,Impression Counts,Click Counts,Dismissed Counts,Site Visit Counts,Conversion Counts,OS,Spend,View-through Conversion Counts,Click-through Conversion Counts,Attribution Window (days)
2024-01-31T20:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri7549f0ca,Sample Creative 1,Click here,,1,0,1,0,0,macos,0.00800000,0,0,30 
2024-01-31T22:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri4151a72d,Sample Creative 2,Test creative,,1,0,0,0,0,windows,0.00800000,0,0,30
2024-01-31T22:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri7549f0ca,Sample Creative 1,Click here,,1,0,0,0,0,android,0.00800000,0,0,30
2024-01-31T23:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs19520db1,cri9086c13f,Sample Creative 3,Test creative 3,,1,0,0,0,0,android,0.00800000,0,0,30 
2024-01-31T23:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri4151a72d,Sample Creative 2,Test creative,,1,0,0,0,0,android,0.00800000,0,0,30

v2 Reporting Response

Day/Hour,Advertiser ID,Campaign ID,Creative Set ID,Creative Instance ID,Creative Title,Creative Body,Creative URL,Impression Counts,Click Counts,Dismissed Counts,Site Visit Counts,Conversion Counts,OS,Segment,Spend,View-through Conversion Counts,Click-through Conversion Counts,Attribution Window (days)
2024-01-31T20:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri7549f0ca,Sample Creative 1,Click here,,1,0,1,0,0,macos,arts & entertainment,0.00800000,0,0,30 
2024-01-31T22:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri4151a72d,Sample Creative 2,Test creative,,1,0,0,0,0,windows,food & wine,0.00800000,0,0,30
2024-01-31T22:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri7549f0ca,Sample Creative 1,Click here,,1,0,0,0,0,android,architecture,0.00800000,0,0,30
2024-01-31T23:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs19520db1,cri9086c13f,Sample Creative 3,Test creative 3,,1,0,0,0,0,android,crypto,0.00800000,0,0,30 
2024-01-31T23:00:00,ad5017b3,cmp932f4b3,crs819594b,cri4151a72d,Sample Creative 2,Test creative,,1,0,0,0,0,android,gaming,0.00800000,0,0,30