Begin by installing the package through Composer.
$ composer require brayniverse/laravel-route-macros
Then add the following to your providers array in config/app.php
Normally you'd have to return a view in either a controller method or callback like the following:
public function contact()
return view('contact');
// or
Route::get('/contact', function () {
return view('contact');
Now you can do the same in one line.
Route::view('/contact', 'contact');
Normally you'd have to create a closure to redirect to the new route.
Route::get('/contact_us', function () {
return redirect('/contact');
Now you can do the same in one line.
Route::redirect('/contact_us', '/contact');
Optionally, you can pass a third argument to Route::redirect()
which will set the status code when redirecting. If you do not specify a status code, the package will use 301
as the status code.
Route::redirect('/contact_us', '/contact', 302);