Roku-fetch is a Fetch-inspired implementation for Roku/BrightScript. It provides a familiar API that abstracts away the Roku-specific roUrlTransfer and roUrlEvent objects.
response = fetch({url: "http://example.url"})
if response.ok
?"The response was: " + response.text()
end if
response = fetch({
url: "http://example.url",
timeout: 5000,
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"If-None-Match": "abc123"
body: FormatJson({id: "xyz", amount: 8.29})
if response.ok
etag = response.headers["ETag"].value
cookies = response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
while cookies <> invalid
cookies =
end while
json = response.json()
?"The request failed", response.statusCode, response.text()
end if
options: {
url: [req] string - http or https url
timeout: [opt] int - ms to wait before timeout (defaults to 0 (no timeout))
headers: [opt] assocarray - list of request headers where key=headername and val=headervalue
method: [opt] string - the HTTP method. GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|etc (defaults to GET)
if you are doing a normal GET or POST, you can omit this - it is only useful for the other verbs
body: [opt] string - the preformatted request body (ie: form data).
if specified, the request method will default to POST unless overridden with options.method
returns Response object: {
status: int - the HTTP status code (ex: 200); See 'Status Codes' section below
ok: bool - true if the response is successful (200-299)
headers: assocarray - where each header name is a key; See 'Response Headers' section below
text(): string - function that returns the raw string response
json(): object - function that returns the response parsed as JSON
xml(): object - function that returns the response parsed as an roXmlElement
The actual HTTP status code is returned. However, in cases where the Roku framework could not even send the request at all, the underlying cUrl error code will be returned instead. You can differentiate between HTTP and cUrl status codes because all cUrl error codes are negative. See the roUrlEvent documenation for a full list of error codes.
For cases where the request cannot be sent and the cUrl error code is returned, the body
will be set to the full error message returned from GetFailureReason()
and can be accessed via response.text()
Since HTTP allows for multiple headers with the same name, the response headers object is structured like this:
"header_name": headerValueObject
where headerValueObject looks like:
"value": "value of the header",
"next": pointer to the next headerValueObject for this same header (or invalid)
Single value example:
contentType = response.headers["Content-Type"].value
Multiple value example:
cookies = response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
while cookies <> invalid
cookies =
end while
Since this library relies on the roUrlTransfer object behind the scenes, it can only be used from a Task node.
It is designed for the most common use case where tasks are created, do some work, return results, and then go out of scope. If your tasks are long-lived and service multiple requests, they likely already have their own message port and a different pattern is recommended (though you can 'split' the Fetch implementation into the request-sending portion and the response-handling portion and hook into your existing message port)