Simple application that reads cat facts from a public API over http using REST and JSON that then passes a captured fact to a public API over http and SOAP that translate the test into something that Yoda from Star Wars would say.
Run me as node ycf.js
Node version v0.10.15 on Ubuntu 13.10 x86_64
Node version v0.10.26 on Ubuntu 13.10 x86_64
Node version v0.10.26 on Debian 7 x86_64
Node version v0.10.24 on Rasbian Wheezy armv61 Raspberry Pi
Cat facts:
Yoda translation:
Run me as node soaptest.js
In testing I saw that the SOAP client module performed abnormally with different Node versions, OS versions, etc. so running this utility will help narrow down any problems if there are problems.