Set of scripts for working with digital maps
Install the dependencies, GDAL can sometimes be difficult to install.
On mac:
brew install gdal
Followed by creating and activating a virtual env:
python3 -m venv gdal_env
source gdal_env/bin/activate
And then installing the dependencies inside the virtual env:
pip install gdal
pip install osr
Install gdal, note: python gdal must match system gdal
Check system version using gdalinfo --version
Match with pip eg pip install gdal==2.4
Python scripts to open a file system of vector and raster GIS data and create metadata in a spreadsheet in MARC formats.
Place the script in the same directory as the GIS data.
Replace the path variable on line 6 (path = './test_data'
) to point to your GIS data (eg path = './'
if in the same directory as the GIS data).
Open a directory of rasters, output pixels to spreadsheet in marc format.
Take a spreadsheet of lat/lng and convert to MARC format.
Takes a set of geopackage or shp vector files, extracts attribute names and adds them to a spreadsheet to determine whether they should appear in viewer popups.
Takes a set of vector data encoded in utf-8 and corrects encoding errors replacing errors.