This is a Defold native extension for the LuaFileSystem library.
The extension does not support HTML5 but works on all other platforms where native extensions is currently supported.
You can use Defold-LFS in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency. Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:
Or point to the ZIP file of a specific release.
Once you have Defold-LFS added to your project you can use lfs just like you would normally use it. Please refer to the LuaFileSystem reference for full usage instructions. Brief API overview:
lfs.attributes (filepath [, aname | atable])
lfs.chdir (path)
lfs.lock_dir(path, [seconds_stale])
lfs.currentdir ()
iter, dir_obj = lfs.dir (path)
lfs.lock (filehandle, mode[, start[, length]]) (old, new[, symlink])
lfs.mkdir (dirname)
lfs.rmdir (dirname)
lfs.setmode (file, mode)
lfs.symlinkattributes (filepath [, aname])
lfs.touch (filepath [, atime [, mtime]])
lfs.unlock (filehandle[, start[, length]])
There's an example in the examples folder showing a file browser implemented using Defold-LFS.
Graphics in example by Kenney