Unity Gameboy Emulator written in C#.
- First working version
- Debugger and vram viewer tools included
- Compatible with following games:
- Tetris
- Super Mario Land
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's awakening
- Mega man
- Compatible with Zal0's ZGB or GBDK compiled games:
- Implement sound chip
- Pass all Blargg's tests
- Improve framerate
- Support for more cartdrige types
- Gameboy color support
- Improve debug tools
- Fix found errors in games:
- Super Mario Land: pause window glitches
- Dr. Mario: screen overflow
- Alleway: input problems
- Roms used: Link
- Tests passed:
- cpu_instrs
- Pending tests:
- dmg_sound
- instr_timing
- interrupt_time
- mem_timing-2
- mem_timing
- oam_bug
- Emulators:
- Articles:
- Documentation: