is a crypto trading simulator designed to provide a learning and research environment. The project's goal is to simulate real cryptocurrency trading processes, allowing users to trade in a risk-free environment, to make sure it's as simple as possible, this simulator supports only a single user, meaning you don't need to create an account to start trading, in other words, everyone trades on one account, literally one.
This platform is built using React and Bootstrap for the frontend, and it utilizes the Binance API to fetch real-time market data. Users can choose different cryptocurrencies to buy and sell, and the system will simulate trades based on current market prices or limit prices. All transactions are denominated in USDT, and the user's holdings and balance are updated in real-time (i've tried to make it as close as possible).
- Support for limit and market orders.
- Support for multiple cryptocurrencies (BTC, SOL, ETH, BNB, FTM).
didn't add GT token, sorry gate ;(
- Real-time market price updates and charts.
- Simulated trading environment with no actual funds required.
TradingView's Lightweight Charts and Gate.io's theme.
a rip off of Binance's Spot-Trading page.
notification appears when the transaction is successful t
- TradingView - the big chart
- Create React App - how I create this project
- ChatGPT - a more reliable bro like Github Copilot
- React Bootstrap - Bootstrap / UI
- FortAwesome - cute icons