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Website for BSidesNYC

Local Development

  1. clone the repo locally git clone
  2. cd
  3. install required gems sudo gem install github-pages jekyll-sitemap bundler rails compass sass-media_query_combiner autoprefixer-rails
  4. bundle install
  5. jekyll serve -w
  6. open web browser to / http://localhost:4000


  • Changes made to config.yml requires jekyll to be restarted (jekyll serve -w) to be reflected locally
  • REMEMBER to always pull for updates before working on updates to avoid conflicts.

Making Changes

  • most info is contained in _config.yml and YAML files in _data
  • push changes to master branch

Variables to update

Category Path Vars Notes
site settings _config.yml conYear "YYYY"
site settings _config.yml previousSponsorCount
site settings _config.yml previousAttendeeCount
event info _config.yml eventTitle
event info _config.yml eventDate
organizers /_data/organizers.yml as needed
statistics _config.yml attendees, CFP submissions, speakers, presentations, sponsors, parallel tracks
cfp _config.yml cfpOpenDate
cfp _config.yml cfpCloseDate
cfp _config.yml cfpAcceptanceDate
cfp /data/cfp_board.yml as needed
dynamic speakers _config.yml dynamicSpeakersCount controls how many to display
dynamic speakers /layouts/default.html controls column spacing for modal
rockstar supporters _config.yml rockstarSupportersCount controls how many to display
rockstar supporters /layouts/default.html controls column spacing for modal
sponsors /_data/sponsors.yml name, website link, image location divided into appropriate sponsor levels
sponsors _config.yml sponsorshipKitUrl new sponsorship PDF under /assets/
tickets/registration _config.yml ticketsOpen
tickets/registration _config.yml _config.yml > ticketsOpenDate
tickets/registration _config.yml _config.yml > ticketsButtons update links for both tickets_round_one & tickets_round_one
ctf /_data/ctf_judges.yml as needed
schedule /_data/schedule.yml date, dateReadable, tracks > titles, timeslots > sessionIds sessionIds map to /_data/sessions.yml > id
schedule /_data/sessions.yml
schedule /_data/speakers.yml id maps to /_data/schedule.yml > sessionIds

Files to update

Category Path Notes
venue /img/venue/ if new venue, or new rooms
organizers /img/organizers/ as needed
cfp /img/cfp/
sponsors /assets/
sponsors /img/sponsors/
speakers /img/speakers/
supporters /img/supporters/
partners /img/partners/
ctf /img/ctf/