This repository includes programs computing the time-dependent solution of the heat equation in 1D.
This simple problem is used to show some best-practices in object-oriented programming and numerical simulation:
Encapsulate program state in high-level objects. Here, we use Params to collect run-time parameters Energy to store coefficients of the energy function.
Better definition in your data structures can often lead to simpler, smaller main-loops.
Resource-aquisition-is-initialization (RAII) pattern. The Params and Energy objects automatically allocate memory on creation and de-allocate on destruction.
Ideally, all resources are allocated (objects are created) outside the main loop. This prevents wasting simulation time.
Parameterize floating-point types. Often, codes can achieve speedup by using mixed-precision. This requires testing the solution accuracy with different precisions used for each part of the calculation.
Parse input parameters (or include configuration code) to support multiple run configurations. This is more of a necessity to avoid repeating code fragments (DRY principle).
Keep only small instruction-lists in main() (and other imperative functions like simulate()). This allows later code to organize sequences of instruction-listing code.
Minimize loops and function calls in python. Rely on the numpy external module API instead.
The included code also provides a demonstration of make and cmake build styles. The cmake build includes tests and documentation.
Several Fortran references that helped me write this include: